Page 158 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 158
my mom had a
quilt like that
Amish, Sunshine and Shadows, Stoltzfus Family. 1930s-1940s. Ebay purchase Lancaster, PA. 80”x85” Fabric:
Wool crepe. Batting: Light, cotton. Backing: Cotton print. Edge: 1” wide front and black applied by hand.
Piecing: Top by machine, border by hand. Quilting: By hand, black thread, Xs in square pieces, floral in bor-
der. Condition: Excellent. Comment: The vendor reports that Nicholas Stoltzfus arrived in PA from Germany
in 1766 and appears to be the ancestor of the PA residents bearing his name.
Figure 130: Amish, Sunshine and
Shadows, Stoltzfus Family