Page 329 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 329

log cabin   327

               Log Cabin Barn Raising Victorian to 1920s. It contains none of the prints that became popular in the 1930s.
               Acquired in 1991. 75"x79¾" Fabric: Cotton and wool. Batting: light cotton (odd in log cabins and founda-
               tion pieced blocks). Backing: Deep red textured dress-weight cotton, clean and in excellent condition. Edge:
               Back is brought ½" to the front and caught by hand. Piecing: By hand to foundation pieces. Quilting: By
               hand, along logs, 6 stitches per inch. Condition: Good. Five logs are restorations (out of 80 logs in whole
               squares, or 1,360 logs, plus the partial logs on two sides). About four of the shortest logs have frayed but
               not enough to affect appearance, given the foundations below them, nor to warrant restoration. There are
               a very few moth holes the size of a match head. The condition is remarkably good. Comment: Restorations
               were required along a center fold line.
                                                                                  Figure 286: Log Cabin Barn Raising
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