Page 332 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 332
my mom had a
quilt like that
Log Cabin in Purple and Tan Appears newer except for choice of tan color and the twin size. eBay purchase.
68"x86" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Light cotton, bearding. Backing: White Cotton. Edge: Knife edge stitched
by hand. Piecing: Appears to be a mix of machine and hand. Quilting: On the logs; in borders, in slightly
squashed continuous circles, 3-4 stitches/inch. Condition: Very good. Top has a few drops of white paint
on a border that look like chalk dust. The back is stained yellow in big puddles that don’t show through.
Comment: A great looker.
Figure 289: Log Cabin in Purple and