Page 328 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 328
my mom had a
quilt like that
Log Cabin Barn Raising Victorian era. Top only. Purchased in 1986 from an antique mall in Bellevue, WA.
74"x81" Fabric: Silks. Batting: NA. Backing: Muslin, cotton and marked flour sacks; a black satin back has
been added for stability but could be removed for the sake of authenticity. Edge: Tape 1" wide on each side
attached by hand. Piecing: By hand to foundation blocks. Quilting: Tied with red string in the center of
each red center (does not appear on added backing). Condition: Good. About two silks are shattered. There
are restorations: One corner square, and a few logs that have been cast over with new ribbon that could be
removed for greater authenticity.
Figure 285: Log Cabin Barn Raising