Page 333 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 333
log cabin 331
Log Cabin Barn Raising 1930s. Purchased from antique mall in Issaquah, WA in 1999. 69"x72" Fabric: Cotton,
all prints except the red center of each 4" block. Batting: Thin. Backing: Light, dress-weight flannel with
sparse 30s round deco motif in reddish and cream. Edge: Turned under and machine stitched. Piecing: By
machine. Quilting: Tied with yarn knotted on the back, each knot in the center of a printed motif. Condi-
tion: Excellent. Comment: 3,146 pieces. Because every piece is a small print, except for the red centers of
each 4" square, the visual effect is of a mosaic with thousands more pieces. The prints are the epitome of
’30s prints.
Figure 290: Log Cabin Barn Raising