Page 46 - MyMomHadAQuiltLikeThat
P. 46
my mom had a
quilt like that
Eagle Applique 1870s. eBay purchase in 2013. 76"x76" Fabric: Cotton. Batting: Thin. Backing: Muslin. Edge:
Red tape machine stitched to the front and attached by hand on the back. Piecing: Appliqué is by hand.
Quilting: By hand, 7 stitches to the inch. The quilting is in horizontal lines across the head, body and wings
of the birds, radiating down the tail, and straight down the legs. The field is quilted in a grid 1" on the
edge. Condition: Excellent. Comments: The colors, fabrics and eagle motifs resemble those found in 1876
American Centennial quilts.
Figure 24: Eagle Applique