Page 36 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 36

Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc.

                              Hosts Reception for
              Alpha Kappa Alpha Top Ladies
       During 2018 Boule in Houston, Texas

On July 7, 2018, during Alpha Kappa Alpha's National Convention, Top Ladies of Distinction, Inc. hosted a re-
ception for the Top Lady members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at the National Headquarters. Busses
were commissioned to pick up Soror Ladies at the Convention Center and transport them to the TLOD House.
Waiting to greet them were the Welcoming Team made up of a diverse group of Top Ladies - AKAs, Deltas, and
Top Ladies across every reach of the membership. Over 350 Soror Ladies visited the Headquarters.

Lady Sorors toured the premises, took pictures   with the National President, Lady (Soror)
Drema Lee Woldman, and sat in rapt attention     as the lady of the hour, Soror (Lady) Dorothy

Buckhanan Wilson, Supreme Basileus of Alpha      Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. brought greetings.
(Lady Dorothy is a former National TLOD          Officer, having held the offices of National

Recording Secretary, National Area III Direc-    tor, National Second Vice President and Na-
tional First Vice President.) At the end of her  presentation, Lady Dorothy presented a check

to the Capital Campaign Fund in the amount       of $8,000.00 in honor of the eight AKA
TLOD Founders. Soror Drema presented her with a TLOD tote filled with goodies and a bouquet of flowers.

Later that evening, at the Boule Public Meeting, the National President brought greetings from Top Ladies of Dis-
tinction, Inc. and presented the outgoing Supreme Basileus with a check in the amount of $1,000.00 made out to
the Franchelle Boswell Educational Foundation to initiate the Lady Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson Endowment
Fund. She was also given a check for her to use at her discretion.
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