Page 39 - The Scepter - Summer-Fall 2018
P. 39

Presenters were: Ladies Carrie Howard, Janice Scimmons, Kendra Gillespie, Darralyn Johnson, Adrienne
Boner, Angela Thompson, Velda Hunter and Rae Smith. Thanks to each presenter for the sharing of their

As usual, the workshops were closed out with a sumptuous Soul Food Dinner. I didn't get to eat much, but I un-
derstand that the food was excellent, so I assume the conference was off to a good start. After the Soul Food
Dinner, the National Executive Board and the Boswell Foundation held their annual meetings.

At the conclusion of all of the meetings, the evening was rounded out with a Bowling Tournament and Awards
Banquet. Even though 90 people registered for the tournament, there were only about 40 who actually participat-
ed. BUT they had a great time, so that goes to show you that you don't need a whole lot of people to have FUN!
Tee shirts, prizes, and food were in abundance! I did learn a valuable lesson though. In the future, I will divide
the number that registered in half and subtract 5 and that is the number that I will use. Lady Rose Coker did a
great job pulling the Tournament together and designing the shirts. Kudos Lady Rose!

Friday, September 28, 2018
Friday morning started out with the Silent Auction and a continuation of the "Chapter Operations the TLOD
Way" Workshops:

• Top Teens of America: What You Need to Know
• Using Parliamentary Procedure to Conduct Orderly Chapter Meetings
• Reducing the Stress with Effective Protocol Guidelines
• A Review of the Awards Process
• Let's Talk: An Overview of our National, Area and Cluster Meetings

The presenters were: Ladies Janice Scimmons, Valerie Watkins, Eddie Lee Marsh, and Emily J. Jones.
Kudos to all.

Workshops were continued with the "Investing Programming Workshops":
• Running for Office: The Do's and Don'ts
• Membership Strategies and Best Practices
• Sustaining and Protecting TLOD
• Implementing the Five Star Program
• Moving Forward with Clarity - Area Directors Training for Future Area Directors
• Taking it to the Next Level: St. Jude/Sickle Cell/MOD/Blessings in a Backpack

The presenters were: Ladies Drema Lee Woldman, Dorothy Fisher, Mary F. Hunter, Jacquelyn A.
Comeaux, Deadra Woods Stokes, Sharon Beard, Mattie Stanton and Velda Hunter. Kudos to these ladies
for their leadership.

In addition, other meetings were held:
• Area Directors
• Chapter Presidents
• Programs and Projects
• TTA Advisors
• Scholarship
• Nominating/Elections
• Chapter Organizers meeting with the National President
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