Page 38 - The Voice_Fall 2017
P. 38

Area I                                                                  Teen Jalen Sorrells
                                                                           Area I TTA President
Greetings Area 1 Top Teens of America.
                                                                         Lady Lynette Smith38
First, let me welcome you to another exciting fiscal year.              Area I TTA Advisor
Hopefully everyone had a restful summer and now you are
ready to engage in the chapters, in your communities, and your
areas into some hard work. Secondly, allow me to congratulate
our newly elected officers. I know that we will, continue to
enhance the dedication and commitment of those before us. As
we prepare and plan for the next 2 years let's be mindful of our
organization's motto, "Participation is Our Foundation as
Leaders of Tomorrow." Let's not only meet our status quota,
but let's .exceed all expectations. Lastly, I'll close with a
challenge to all Top Teens of America. I challenge each of you
to show up for every meeting on time, on task, and on target. I
challenge each of you to not wait to ask what needs to be done,
but be told to slow down. I challenge each of you to do
whatever it takes to make your chapters better, our
communities’ betters and continue to make Area 1 number one.

Helping My Fellow Top Teens Be Top,

Teen Jalen Sorrells,

A new year is here. It is time to start fresh. I am looking forward to
a wonderful two years of providing service as Area One Top Teen
Advisor. I want to take this time to thank each and every one of
you for all that you do. Your service above self attitude is
immeasurable. I am confident that your acts of kindness,
compassion, and generosity make a significant difference in the
lives of those you serve.

Remember, volunteering is a positive conduit to become leaders in
your communities. Whether it be for your neighborhood, church,
or an organization, as Top Teens of America. Being a Top Teen
gives you the skills and opportunity to step up and make a
tremendous difference. Top Teens volunteers are examples of
character, compassion, and leadership in each of the communities
we serve. As Top Teens, every single one of you are transforming
our communities, day by day, through outreach, education, raising
awareness, fundraising, and legendary service.

Serving with passion.
Lady Lynette Smith
Area One TTA Advisor
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