Page 40 - C:\Users\Mziwenkosi Donga\OneDrive\Documents\Flip PDF\Sustainability Report 2021\
P. 40
We currently use on average 2,44 kl of water a day for all our activities. A total of 880 kl of water was used in
2020. We target to reduce our water use to 682 kl per annum by installing dual flush toilets throughout our
premises by 2022.
55% of our water is used for washing and cleaning, while 45% is used for drinking and ablution stations. Our
water-wise approach has been implemented and is underpinned by the Responsible Water Use training we
provided to staff. Part of this has seen us stop our staff from having their cars washed at work. We estimate
that this has saved us 3 kl of water a month.
In future we aim to install rainwater tanks to reduce our intake and reliance of municipal water. We intend
to install a rainwater harvesting system to use as grey water for washing and flushing in emergency
situations in future. This system will keep water in reserve, for use when there are outages.
Energy Consumption/Power Generation
We currently have 105 solar panels installed - reducing our reliance on grid tied electricity. The solar panels
currently produce about 7,772,16 kWh per month, we are thus able to save 53% due to renewables.
In future we intend to reduce our reliance on the grid by installing a battery system as well as increasing our
number of solar panels. Our 2030 target is to reduce our energy spend by 100%. We are adherent to SDG 7
which advocates for the use of clean energy alternatives. Our power consumption from the grid averages
around 305,571 kWh per day and a 28-day average is about 8,556 kWh.
A 125 KVa diesel generator augments our energy needs when there is load shedding (power cuts). The
generator has been in use for around 50 hours in 2020-21.