Page 42 - C:\Users\Mziwenkosi Donga\OneDrive\Documents\Flip PDF\Sustainability Report 2021\
P. 42

Caring For Employees

                  Our approach to getting new employees as well as ensuring low staff turnover is achieved by creating
                  optimal conditions for the growth and development of individuals. We thrive on building internal capacity.
                  Staff are involved in a continual learning environment that enables them to learn new skills for their personal
                  development and for the benefit of the company.

                                             Total Number Of Employees By Gender

                   Gender                               Number                  % Of Total Workforce
                   Male                                   38                           64

                   Female                                 22                           36
                   Total                                  60                           100

                  We employed a total of 60 staff, with 38 being males and 22 being females.
                  Most of our employees are employed permanently 90%. A total of 4 employees were employed part-time
                  while  2  employees  were  employed  as  independent  contractors  in  2020.  During  the  reporting  period  we
                  employed 4 interns.

                           Total Number Of Employees By Employment Contract (Permanent And Temporary)

                   Contract                                              % Of Total Workforce
                   Permanent                                                    50

                   Temporary                                                     6
                   Apprenticeship/internship                                     4

                   Total                                                        60

   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47