Page 185 - ומלאו את הארץ / דורון בר
P. 185
ÌÈÈÙ¯‚ÂÈÏ·È·‰ ÌȯˆȘ‰ ˙ÓÈ˘¯
ADAJ Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan
BA Biblical Archaeologist
BAIAS Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeology Society
BAR Biblical Archaeology Review
BAR International Series British Archaeological Reports, International Series
BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research
DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers
ESI Excavations and Surveys in Israel
HTR Harvard Theological Review
IEJ Israel Exploration Journal
JRA Journal of Roman Archaeology
JRS Journal of Roman Studies
LA Studii Biblici Franciscani Liber Annuus
PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly
QDAP Quarterly of the Department of Antiquities in Palestine
RB Revue biblique
TA Tel Aviv
‡"È˘˙ ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ,χ¯˘È-ı¯‡ Ï˘ ˙ȯÂËÒȉ ‰ÈÙ¯‚‡Ȃ ,'Ó ‰ÂÈ È·‡ – ‡"È˘˙ ,‰ÂÈ È·‡
Avi-Yonah M., ‘The Economics of Byzantine Palestine’, IEJ, 8 (1958), – 1958 ,‰ÂÈ È·‡
pp. 39–51
„"΢˙ ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ,χ¯˘È-ı¯‡ ˙ÚÈ„È· Ìȯ˜ÁÓ ˙ÂÒÓ ,'Ó ‰ÂÈ È·‡ – „"΢˙ ,‰ÂÈ È·‡
ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ,„ÂÓÏ˙‰Â ‰˘Ó‰ È˘ ˙È· ˙Ù˜˙Ï ‡Ë¯Î ÒÏˇ ,'Ó ‰ÂÈ È·‡ – 1974 ,‰ÂÈ È·‡
Avi-Yonah M., The Jews under Roman and Byzantine Rule: A Political – 1976 ,‰ÂÈ È·‡
History of Palestine from the Bar Kokhba War to the Arab Conquest, London
‡"Ó˘˙ ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ,ÔÂÈËÊÈ·Â ‡Ó¯ ÈÓÈ· ,'Ó ‰ÂÈ È·‡ – ‡"Ó˘˙ ,‰ÂÈ È·‡
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162–147 'ÓÚ ,(Ê"Ó˘˙) 22 ,„ ,ı¯‡Â ÌÚ :χ¯˘È