Page 16 - DLS KZJ
P. 16

5.     Provision of Stand bye inverter for FPM in HHP locos

               During Y6 schedule of loco no – 70164/WDG4/Single cab, is fitted with
               standby  inverter  for  FPM.  The  stand  by  inverter  provided  is  of  Alco
               FPM of  make M/s Signotron. In case the FPM of the loco  fails, the
               standby inverter can be used and work the loco further, thus enroute
               failure can be avoided.

               Stand by Inverter (ALCO FPM) and Rotary switch is placed near Lube
               Oil filter drum.  Loco  is  checked in 8   notch Load, with stand by
               inverter in working condition and performance is good. Loco sent to
               traffic for shunting purpose on 16-08-2021 and working satisfactorily till

                      FPM Stand-by

                        FPM Stand-by

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