Page 29 - HFACS Flipbook Holcim v 1.2
P. 29
Resource Management
● Does the facility have the appropriate expertise,
equipment and support services to provide the services
associated with this event? (Do you have enough staff to
provide optimal care? Are the right people hired?)
● Are resources in place to ensure that staff are adequately
current and qualified? (Is training provided by the
organization? Are employees encouraged and provided
resources to maintain currency?)
● Was there adequate equipment to perform the work
tasks? (Did the equipment involved meet current codes,
specifications and regulations? How was it determined
that the equipment was a good match between the users
and the tasks they performed? Was there a safety review
of the equipment?)
● Was there a maintenance program in place to maintain
the equipment involved in the event? (Is there a
maintenance program or a regular inspection performed
on the equipment involved in this event? Were adequate
time and resources allocated for equipment
repairs/upgrades? Were emergency provision and back-
up systems available in case of equipment failure?)
2022 Holcim Group HSE