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                              Newspaper for Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises

         Issue No. 60                                 Free Copy                                  July, 2020
                                            appreciation  to  all  of  you  who     ENTREPRENEURIAL
                                                                                     & SMALL BUSINESS
                                            generously  helped  us  make  this       & SMALL      BUSINESS
                                            event come together to become a
                                            success. We couldn't have done it            very business needs a plan --
                                            without you!                                 a  strategy  that  defines  your
                                                                                 Evision, your goals and how to
                                            In today's edition, I would like to   reach them. Whether you are a new
                                            focus  on  all  our  new  volunteers
                                            who  have  joined  us  since  we     business  owner,  or  already  have  a
                                            decided to resume production of      small business and want to grow, a
                    Ato Tandoh
                  Managing Editor           the newspaper.                       savvy  business  strategy  can  take
                  e  believe  that  truly                                        your business to the next level.
                  caring  about  our  You have all been chosen to be a           Does a business strategy have to be
       Wm i c r o ,   s m a l l   &   part  of  our  association  due  to  a     complicated?  No.  Some  business
       medium  scale  enterprises  m u t u a l   p a s s i o n   f o r
                                                                                 plans can fit on three sheets of paper.
       (MSMEs)  help  foster  strong  entrepreneurship and to help our
                                                                                 Don't  let  business  planning  and
       values, a sense of character, and  clientele  to  innovate  and  learn
       instills them with the courage to  new business ideas. Your passions      strategy  fall  by  the  wayside;  plan
       pursue their dreams. Based on our  help us all to unite and the energy  today and reap the benefits for years
       commitment  to  our  well-being,  we  create  is  what  allows  us  to  to come. If you fail to plan, you plan to
       health and success, and to realize  achieve our individual as well as     fail.
       our  vision  to  help  educate  and  group goals. We need you as much
                                                                                 Dilton  Consult  is  a  business  and
       inform  our  MSMEs  to  be  as you need us and that is why we             entrepreneurial  development
           Issue No. 20
       innovative  and  prosperous,  we  are grateful you joined us.
                                                                                 consultancy. They can help you with:
       c r e a t e d   t h e   T H E
       NOTICEBOARD.                         During the next few months, we         ·    Crystallizing  &  clarifying
                                            will be enhancing our education           your Vision
       My thanks go to each and every  on  learning  about  the  different         ·    Developing  right  business
       one of you for being there for us  business  management  topics                model for your business
       throughout. We are very pleased  through  our  planned  activities,
                                                                                   ·    Setting  your  revenue  and
       to be able to welcome those of you  seminars,  and  special  social
       that have been with us for a long  media  outlets;  You  Tube,                 expense financial models
                                                                                   ·    Analyzing the competition
       time now as well as those who are  Facebook  and  Instagram;  where
       new to the newspaper specifically  you will be able to join in and get      ·    Developing  marketing  plans
       made for micro, small & medium  hands on experiences. I hope these             & strategies
       s c a l e   e n t e r p r i s e s ,   T H E   will  help  you  grow  to  be  more   ·  And  finally  crafting  a
       NOTICEBOARD.                         productive and smarter.                   comprehensive business plan.

       This year marks our 13  year since  So, a very warm welcome to each  If  you  are  ready  to  Take  Your
       we came to your homes, offices  and every one of you, if you have  Existing  Business  to  New  Levels,
       and on the internet. We are proud  any  questions,  suggestions,  ready to transform your business and
       to  be  able  to  commence  clarifications, or just want to say           jump-start  it  into  an  exciting  and
       production of the newspaper.         “hi”, you can just call me, e-mail   profitable  future,  then  contact  us  at
                                            me  or  find  us  on  facebook  and   Dilton  Consult  on  020  8131656  or
                                                                                 v i s i t   o u r   w e b s i t e
       On behalf of the editorial board, I  Instagram.
                                                                         or  E-
       would like to express my sincere

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