P. 6
Page 6 September, 2010
training classes that are offered
platforms, and many of them
Continued from pg 5 offer certificates of completion
platforms you can try. or other proof of training.
Code Academy MOOCs are available to
· - Code Academy is an individuals and often to
online computer coding businesses so that employees can
training campground. You upskill. Some industries, such as
can learn to develop websites real estate and accounting, have
using HTML, CSS, and online training resources
JavaScript or move on to videography. available for continuing
more advanced coding Business Training education. Learn more about
classes such as Python. You MOOCs at .
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can also study data science,
manage a business is not easy.
learn SQL, and skill yourself
Learning on the job is free, but
in other computer languages SUCCESS QUOTE
when you consider that most
such as Java, Ruby, PHP, “Don't aim at success.
new businesses don't survive
C++, C#, Swift, and R. They The more you aim at it
past five years, and many don't
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make it beyond the two-year
businesses. more you are going to
mark, it pays to gain some basic
Guitar Lessons business knowledge before you miss it. For success, like
happiness, cannot be
· - There are all sorts of start. Open Culture lists over pursued; it must ensue,
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play the guitar. Just Google c o u r s e s f o r w o u l d - b e unintended side effect of
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The best training will be paid financial accounting.
oneself or as the by-
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Cooking Classes company's core competency. success: you have to let it
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to cook, PopSugar has a list of has courses for its clients that about it. I want you to
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Nikon School Online
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· - Photography is another
investing classes. your knowledge. Then
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If there is anything you want to you will live to see that in
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learn, there is likely a way to learn the long-run—in the long-
places to go if you just Google
it online. You just have to find the run, I say!—success will
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right resource. And much of the follow you precisely
lessons.” In this case, camera
training is free. because you had
manufacturer Nikon has a
One category of online training is forgotten to think about it”
series of free classes in
called Massive Open Online ― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's
p h o t o g r a p h y a n d
Course (MOOC). These are online Search for Meaning