P. 11

September, 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 11

             Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals

               New Possibilities in Education

                                             s w a n   m o m e n t   f o r         time,  but  how  many
                                             education,  as  it  will  never       educators  were  actually
                                             be the same after students            using  them  pre-corona

                                             return to campuses.                   virus? These possibilities

                                                                                   to connect with students
                                             Often,  it  takes  losing  or         remotely were there, but
                                             removing  something  for              we have relied heavily on a

                                             things  to  be  revealed.             face-face  educational
                                             Possibilities  existed  all           model,  despite  the  fact

                                             along,  but  we  become               that much of society now
                cationdu  has  been          complacent, and do not see            operates  using  a  social
                turned upside down in        them  until  a  major  shift,         media,  technologically

       El i g h t   o f   t h e              like this pandemic, occurs.           distanced lifestyle.
       coronavirus  pandemic.                Then, it's like drawing back

       Schools across the country            the curtains or raising the           I ' m   n o t   s a y i n g   t o
       have  been  closed,  and              blinds,  the  light  comes            abandoned  face-to-face
       students thrust into remote           shining  in.  In  my  opinion,        instruction in k-12 schools

       learning. Teachers, in many           this situation has shed light         or  higher  education.  All
       cases, have had little or no          on  many  new  possibilities          I'm  saying  is  we  have

       time  to  really  prepare  to         inherent  in  our  education          demonstrated  that  we
       deliver this different form           system. For instance:                 can  use  other  tools  to
       of instruction.                           · More creative use of            supplement—and  ideally

       Parents  have  also  been                    t e c h n o l o g y   b y      enhance--the instruction
       tasked with helping to guide                 t e a c h e r s .   2 1 s t

       students,  as  they  juggle                  c e n t u r y   s k i l l s ,
       their own work from home.                    operating  more  like

                                                    how  students  will  in
       Some education leaders are                   the future workplace.

       concerned  about  students
       falling  far  behind  in  their       Technologies such as Zoom,
       studies,  and  rightfully  so.        G o o g l e   C l a s s r o o m ,

       Others are saying this is a           Microsoft  Teams,  have
       major turning point, a black          existed  for  quite  some                                  Continue on pg 12

        "It's better to be a pirate than to join the navy. " — Steve Jobs,

                                             co-founder of Apple
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