P. 15
July, 2020 Page 15
Ways to Help Your Child at Online
the same place: with a
Distance Learning
vision for a new business
classrooms to real-life issues learning has been linked to idea. But turning that
and situations. One prime increased feelings of idea into a profitable
example is the topic of money isolation, demotivation, and business requires a lot
often taught in elementary general poor mental health. more than that!
and high school classes. Therefore, you must create
Successful entrepreneurs
Presenting opportunities for a healthy balance in your
must have the passion as
them to exercise topics such child's online learning
well as the skills to turn
as saving, budgeting, and routine for extracurricular
their vision into a viable
credit management helps activities and socialization.
business. That means
t h e m g a i n p r a c t i c a l With the right tools,
creating a business model
experience. support, and, balance
that identifies your
Frequently Asked customers, revenues, and
Educators can also achieve
Questions on expenses, as well as a
this by setting students
h o m e p r o j e c t s a n d realistic business plan
supplementary assignments W h a t i s that strategically maps
like the monitoring of a entrepreneurship? out the future trajectory
caterpillar's life cycle. Entrepreneurship isn't of your company.
Finally, don't forget to break just a trendy buzzword - Another key consideration
up asynchronous content it's a powerful force for for entrepreneurs is
with moments of real-time innovation that is changing funding. While many
connection including real- our world and creating new s t a r t u p s b e g i n b y
time face to face student to business opportunities b o o t s t r a p p i n g ,
teacher conversations about every day. Entrepreneurs entrepreneurial ventures
their courses. Video calling create new businesses, usually need to tap into
software like Zoom and whether it's inventing new other sources of financing
Skype can help with this. For products, offering new as they grow. Typical
homeschooling parents, they types of services, or types of financing include
can create built-in time to simply developing new angel investors, venture
p a u s e a n d h a v e t h a t processes for connecting capital, and private
conversation with their child. existing goods and Continue on pg 10
services to markets.
With the age of digital ADVERTISE IN
learning rapidly becoming the THE NOTICEBOARD
How do you become an
norm, it is also important
entrepreneur? FOR RESUL TS
that the mental health of
No matter where your
children participating in JUST CALL
entrepreneurial path
online distancing learning be
O2O 8131656
takes you, they all begin in O2O 8131656
considered. Virtual distance