P. 12

Page 12                                                                             September, 2010

                     Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals

                       New Possibilities in Education

        that's  already  going  on.                                               possibility  of  teachers

        For  example,  teachers                                                   occasionally working from
        could use a technological                                                 home,  having  a  remote

        platform  to  conference                                                  teaching day? They could
        w i t h   s t u d e n t s   a n d                                         spend  more  time  with

        families  if  they  are  not                                              their  families,  working
        able  to  meet  in  person.                                               from  home,  as  other
        Teachers  could  offer                                                    professionals  have  the

        occasionally  “coaching                                                   option to do. Students, in
        sessions”  to  provide              A child might realize they            time,  will  be  more

        tutoring  or  help  with            could  complete  their                accustomed  to  distance
        homework. Students in k-            schoolwork in the morning,            learning platforms, and an

        1 2   c o u l d   v i r t u a l l y    leaving the afternoon for          occasional  remote  day,
        collaborate  on  projects,          leisurely  pursuits,  maybe           could be worked out.

        much  the  same  way                l e a r n i n g   m u s i c a l
        college students do.                instrument,  engaging  in             This would give students a
           · Students  work  at             the  arts,  exercising,               chance to also work from

               their  own  pace.            developing new technology             home,  involving  some
               Self-pacing,  more           (yes,  some  will  play  video        parents  who  could  work

               a u t o n o m y   a n d      games  or  watch  YouTube             from  home  or  have
               control  over  their         all day—this is within the            flexible  schedules,  to  be

               learning.                    family's purview). But this           involved  in  the  education
                                            situation  has  raised  the
        K-12  students  have  now           question: do children need            Imagine  the  economic
        tasted the opportunity to           to be sitting in classrooms           savings  in  regards  to
        work  at  their  own  pace,         all day?                              school  utilities,  busing,

        not  having  to  sit  in                · Teachers  can  have             etc.,  if  students  could
        classrooms  all  day  and                   m o r e   f a m i l y         learn remotely even once

        learn at the same pace as                   time/work  from               or twice per month.
        classmates, who may move                    home  occasionally.           Of course, these are just

        faster,  the  same,  or                     Perhaps one day per           musings as this point. The
        s l o w e r   t h a n   t h e m .           w e e k   t e a c h           p a n d e m i c   h a s   a l s o

        Younger students can now                    remotely?                     revealed  concerning
        take  more  control  over                                                 realities, such as students
        their  learning  and  their         I  know  this  might  not  be         not  having  access  to

        daily schedule.                     popular with some parents,            technology and teachers
                                            but  what  about  the
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