P. 14

Page 14                                                                            July, 2020

          Ways to Help Your Child at Online Distance Learning

        for  no  longer  than  2-5                                                Also,  to  help  them  with

        minutes. For some children                                                their  writing  skills,
        with  special  needs  like                                                parents  or  teachers  can
        autistic  students,  their                                                r e c o m m e n d   d i g i t a l

        concentration  can  be                                                    learning  resources  for
        further impacted.                                                         English  Learners  like
                                                                                  Education  Forward's

        Therefore,  start  with                                                   Digital  Resource  for
                                            ability is waning, strategies
        c r e a t i n g   a   l e a r n i n g                                     English  Learners  blog.  It
                                            such  as  including  regular
        schedule  based  on  your                                                 provides practical tips to
                                            physical  education  sessions
        child's attention span. You                                               help  children  develop
                                            and  implementing  regular
        should  also  aim  to  include                                            their reading, writing, and
                                            breaks  from  screens
        regular  breaks  away  from                                               speaking  skills  through
                                            including television and video
        screens  throughout  the                                                  virtual learning along with
        day.  This  gives  them  the                                              essay  writing  tips  like
        chance  to  process  new                                                  citing reliable information
                                            Provide  Them  With  The
        information  learned,                                                     sources  in  their  work  or
                                            Right  Tools  For  Online
        a c h i e v e   o p t i m a l                                             adopting  various  essay
        concentration, and have the                                               writing styles.
                                            Another way to support your
        opportunity  for  valuable
                                            child in their online learning
        outdoor  recreational                                                     Find  Ways  To  Connect
                                            journey  is  to  provide  them
        activities.                                                               Content  To  Real  Life
                                            with  the  right  tools  to
        Parents  and  teachers                                                    Examples
                                            succeed. This includes tools
        should also strive to make                                                Finally,  parents  and
                                            that will help them organize
        their  online  learning                                                   educators can find ways to
                                            their  work  or  schedule  and
        sessions interactive. While                                               connect  the  content
                                            i m p r o v e   t h e i r
        some  learning  platforms                                                 children  are  learning
                                            communication,  numerical,
        already  contain  features                                                online  to  the  real  world.
                                            and  essay  writing  abilities.
        that  allow  you  to  do  this,                                           Also  known  as  authentic
                                            Thankfully,  there  is  now  a
        parents  can  also  do  this                                              learning,  it  helps  them
                                            growing range of free tools
        themselves by implemented                                                 make  the  connection
                                            and  tips  for  childhood
        self-quizzes  and  open-                                                  between  what  is  being
                                            learning  online.  Classwork
        ended  discussions  after                                                 taught in their virtual
                                            s c h e d u l e   c h a r t s   a n d
        new  topics.  This  aids  in
                                            templates  can  help  them
        retrieval practice which is
                                            keep  track  of  outstanding
        important  in  helping
                                            assignments,  topics  being
        students  retain  new
                                            covered, and class timings.
        information. If you do find
        your  child's  concentration

                                                                                                     Continued on  pg 15
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