P. 10
Page 10 September, 2010
Page 10 October, 2008
Businesses You Can Start for Less than 3,000 Cedis Contd from pg 15
C a n y o u l e a r n
7. Handyman – most
families don't have a clue with entrepreneurship skills
regards to repairs round the online?
house or have little time for
Yes, there are online
them. If you have the skills and
a few tools, working as a courses available to help
handyman will provide you you develop the skills
with a business that will keep you need at every stage
growing. o f y o u r
8. L a n d s c a p i n g – e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p
although this is a seasonal takes to launch and succeed in a
job, for many people it can new business: journey. If you're
trying to refine your
be a year-round venture. If 1. Do you believe that your
you like cutting and business will succeed? world-changing business
trimming lawns and bushes,
2. Are you prepared to do idea, courses can help
raking leaves and working whatever is necessary to make y o u g e t i n t h e
outdoors, starting a your business a success?
landscaping business is e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l
3. Are you willing to work
something you should mindset, generating the
for little or no salary during
consider. i n s p i r a t i o n a n d
your start-up phase?
9. Website Designer – if creativity you need to
4. Do you know who your
you like working on the
competition will be? think outside the box
computer and have no
p r o b l e m d e s i g n i n g 5. Do you have a sales and and identify new
Websites, then get busy marketing plan in place? o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r
NOW and launch this Unless you answered “yes” to all innovation. Once you've
venture. There seems to be of the above questions, you got your vision, more
an endless supply of clients might not be ready to hang out
who need new Websites. your shingle just yet. Take some practical courses can
time, do some research and then help with things like the
10. Party and Event
Planner – are you good at when you are confident you are process of launching your
ready to launch, then go for it!
organizing parties and startup, business modeling and
events? If so, this business
planning, lean startup
might be worth pursuing.
The party business has principles, and change
grown into a billion dollar management. And when
industry, and people Frequently Asked you're ready to bring in
everywhere are looking for Questions on outside investors, online
help to create “the perfect Entrepreneurship
party and event! equity, and choosing the courses can help with
Before You Leap startup valuation and
right funding strategy for
Whether you plan to choose financing strategy.
one of these 10 business ideas each stage of your
or a business idea of your own, business's development is
take this little quiz before you a critical skill for aspiring
proceed. Your answers will let
you know if you have what it entrepreneurs.