P. 5
September, 2010 Page 5
Continued from pg 3
Why? teach others practical skills such
as animation and design and
customers know about the writing. They also provide
product or service. Or you may lifestyle and business courses.
film an attractive video to make Google Classroom
sure that the target audience is 5. - Google Classroom
allows schools, non-profits,
· Creating the actual and others a way to deliver
advertisement- Once all online education if they have a
aspects are looked into,
Google account. Users log in
the Marketing person
with their Google accounts and
proceeds with the
can choose to join a class or
c r e a t i o n o f t h e
create a class. To join a class, child's learning.
you need the class code, so it's TED
a much more controlled
In your effort to churn out the 9. - TED is an acronym that
environment than other
advert, you must make sure that stands for Technology,
platforms on this list.
it does not exceed the budget Entertainment, and Design.
because if it does so, the cost edX Started in 1984, professionals
will out-shadow the benefits of 6. - edX is a smaller version from a variety of backgrounds
the advertising campaign. This of Coursera, allowing anyone share their knowledge through
will not help the business in any to take college courses online. short talks. TEDx expands
way. This platform also offers TED's mission to local
The goals and objectives which online certification and degree communities globally while
the business wants to achieve programs, including “Micro” TEDEd is TED's youth and
using the advertisement must be bachelor's and master's education initiative allowing
very clear. When promoting the programs. teachers and students to
products and services, you must connect in a new way.
LinkedIn Learning
also make sure that the right
7. - Formerly called Lynda, YouTube
message gets across to the right
people at the right time. If you LinkedIn Learning allows 10. - Chances are, you're
professionals to upscale their a l r e a d y f a m i l i a r w i t h
fail to provide the advertisement
skills online. What's unique YouTube. Not only can you
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about it is you can join hear your favorite music from
may shift to another product or
LinkedIn Learning as a your favorite bands and watch
standalone or upgrade your the news on YouTube, but you
LinkedIn membership to gain can also get some of the best
"Normal is getting dressed access to training resources for how-to videos online. In fact,
in clothes that you buy for free. the breadth of free educational
work and driving through videos on YouTube is
Khan Academy
traffic in a car that you are 8. - Khan Academy is a incredible.
still paying for - in order to Specialty Online Training
get to the job you need to nonprofit entity that provides Platforms
educational resources and There are, of course, specialized
pay for the clothes and the
online training for K-12
car, and the house you platforms that allow prospective
leave vacant all day so you classrooms as well as colleges students to learn specific skills
can afford to live in it." and universities. One of the from subject matter pros. Here are
benefits of Khan Academy is a few specialty online training
- Ellen Goodman
being able to personalize your
Continue on pg 6