Page 3 - The Notice Board July 2020 edition 60 FINAL.cdr
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Page 14                                                                            July, 2020                           July, 2020                                                                                         Page 3
       Ways to Help Your Child at Online Distance Learning                                                                                                                   WHERE TO FIND ONLINE TRAINING COURSES

                                                                                                                                     Why Advertizing is
     for  no  longer  than  2-5                                                Also,  to  help  them  with                        Important for Business
                                                                                                                                      he sole purpose of a business is
     minutes. For some children                                                their  writing  skills,                                to sell products and services to
     with  special  needs  like                                                parents  or  teachers  can                      Tearn profits. Advertising helps
                                                                                                                               a business to earn profits by enabling
     autistic  students,  their                                                r e c o m m e n d   d i g i t a l               more  people  to  know  about  the
     concentration  can  be                                                    learning  resources  for                        products  and  services  and  thus
                                                                                                                               resulting  in  more  sales.  The
     further impacted.                                                         English  Learners  like
                                                                                                                               consumers  on  the  other  hand  will
                                                                               Education  Forward's                            never get to know about the products
     Therefore,  start  with                                                   Digital  Resource  for                          and services if they are not advertised.
                                         ability is waning, strategies                                                         Advertisements help the consumers to
     c r e a t i n g   a   l e a r n i n g                                     English  Learners  blog.  It                    make  decisions  regarding  which
                                         such  as  including  regular
     schedule  based  on  your                                                 provides practical tips to                      product and service to buy. With the
                                         physical  education  sessions                                                         help  of  advertisements,  a  consumer
     child's attention span. You                                               help  children  develop
                                         and  implementing  regular                                                            gets the best possible options.
     should  also  aim  to  include                                            their reading, writing, and
                                         breaks  from  screens
     regular  breaks  away  from                                               speaking  skills  through                       It  is  no  secret  that  doing  business        here  do  you  find          development.  Udemy  for
                                         including television and video                                                        without advertising is like winking at           g o o d   q u a l i t y
     screens  throughout  the                                                  virtual learning along with                     a girl in the dark. Only you know what                                        Business  provides  services  for
                                         games.                                                                                                                      Wi n t e r n e t - b a s e d            companies who want to use the
     day.  This  gives  them  the                                              essay  writing  tips  like                      you are doing – nobody else does. You
                                                                                                                               have  the  chance  and  we  at  THE   training courses? Here are ten          platform  for  professional
     chance  to  process  new                                                  citing reliable information                     NOTICEBOARD have the power to  popular platforms that cover a
                                         Provide  Them  With  The                                                                                                                                            training for their employees.
     information  learned,                                                     sources  in  their  work  or                    sell  your  company's  image,  variety  of  subjects  plus  six
                                         Right  Tools  For  Online                                                             reputation,  brand,  products  and                                         Teachable
     a c h i e v e   o p t i m a l                                             adopting  various  essay                                                              specialty training sites.
                                         Learning                                                                              services  to  a  mass  audience  of   Online education has been on the     2.     -  Teachable  is  a  platform
     concentration, and have the                                               writing styles.                                 potential  customers.  With  so  many                                         that  allows  anyone  to  create  a
                                         Another way to support your                                                                                                 rise for several years now, but the
     opportunity  for  valuable                                                                                                companies  providing  different       COVID-19  pandemic  has                 course and teach the skills they
                                         child in their online learning                                                        products  and  services  the  challenge   produced a huge surge of interest
     outdoor  recreational                                                     Find  Ways  To  Connect                         for Micro, Small and Medium Scale                                             have to others. People looking
                                         journey  is  to  provide  them                                                                                              in online training programs in a
     activities.                                                               Content  To  Real  Life                         businesses  is  to  simply  get  your   number  of  ways.  First,  because    for  courses  can  do  so  by
                                         with  the  right  tools  to                                                           company noticed. The best way is to                                           searching their catalog. Through
     Parents  and  teachers                                                    Examples                                                                              many schools shut down for the
                                         succeed. This includes tools                                                          be exposed to the world 24 hours a day   remainder  of  the  school  year     Discover, some courses are made
     should also strive to make                                                Finally,  parents  and                          on this website.                                                              available for free on a limited-
                                         that will help them organize                                                                                                since  March  2020,  and  the
     their  online  learning                                                   educators can find ways to                                                            interest in online education will       time basis.
                                         their  work  or  schedule  and                                                                                              likely  continue  even  after  the
     sessions interactive. While                                               connect  the  content                                     To Advertise call                                                Coursera
                                         i m p r o v e   t h e i r                                                                                                   pandemic  passes.  Interest  in
     some  learning  platforms                                                 children  are  learning                                    055 6533307                online  professional  training,  3.         - Coursera has carved out a
                                         communication,  numerical,
     already  contain  features                                                online  to  the  real  world.                              020 8131656                continuing  education,  and             niche  for  itself  by  partnering
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     that  allow  you  to  do  this,                                           Also  known  as  authentic                                                                                                    with more than 200 universities
                                         Thankfully,  there  is  now  a                                                             E-mail:      renewed  around  the  world.            and companies to offer college
     parents  can  also  do  this                                              learning,  it  helps  them                                                            Where are people going for this
                                         growing range of free tools                                                                        :  online training?                  and  professional  coursework
     themselves by implemented                                                 make  the  connection
                                         and  tips  for  childhood                                                                                                   Here  are  10  of  the  best            leading  to  certifications  and
     self-quizzes  and  open-                                                  between  what  is  being                                                              platforms  for  internet-based          degrees.  Coursera  for  Business
                                         learning  online.  Classwork                                                               THE TEAM
     ended  discussions  after                                                 taught  in  their  virtual                                                            training and education:                 allows  companies  to  upskill
                                         s c h e d u l e   c h a r t s   a n d                                                              Publisher:
     new  topics.  This  aids  in                                                                                                                                    Udemy                                   employees  easily  with  courses
                                         templates  can  help  them                                                                       Dilton Consult                                                     provided  by  world-class
     retrieval practice which is                                                                                                        Managing Editor:             1.      - Udemy is one of the most
                                         keep  track  of  outstanding                                                                       Ato Tandoh                                                       educational institutions.
     important  in  helping                                                                                                                                             popular  online  learning
                                         assignments,  topics  being                                                                    Graphic Designer                platforms  with  more  than  Skillshare
     students  retain  new                                                                                                                  Ato Tandoh
                                         covered, and class timings.                                                            Reporters/Marketing Executives:         100,000 courses on a variety      4.     - Skillshare is a peer-to-peer
     information. If you do find                                                                                                       Maame Ama Tandoh                 of  topics  ranging  from            education  platform  allowing
     your  child's  concentration                                                                                                      Yvonne N.L. Lamptey              b u s i n e s s   t o   p e r s o n a l    anyone  to  create  a  course  and
                                                                                                                                            Naomi Zuut                                                                           Continue on  pg 5
                                                                                                  Continued on  pg 15
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