Page 7 - The Notice Board July 2020 edition 60 FINAL.cdr
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October 1 - 31, 2007
                                                                                              October 1 - 31, 2007
          Page 10                                                                            September, 2010                      September, 2010                                                                               Page 7
          Page 10                                                                            October, 2008
          Businesses You Can Start for Less than 3,000 Cedis                       Contd from pg 15                               Best Businesses for Retirees to Start
                                                                                C a n   y o u   l e a r n
     7.     Handyman  –  most                                                                                                                                       might not be suitable for you.        are  uniquely  suited  to  start
        families  don't  have  a  clue                                          entrepreneurship  skills
                                                                                                                                                                    A d d i t i o n a l l y ,   o l d e r    tutoring  businesses.  With
        with  regards  to  repairs                                              online?                                                                             entrepreneurs  should  consider       c o m p e t i t i o n   b e c o m i n g
        round  the  house  or  have                                             Yes,  there  are  online                                                            how much time will be required        increasingly  fierce  at  top
        little time for them. If you                                                                                                                                for  a  particular  venture. When     colleges, a growing number of
        have  the  skills  and  a  few                                          courses available to help                                                           selecting a business to operate,      parents are paying big bucks for
        tools,  working  as  a                                                  you  develop  the  skills                                                           be cognizant of the number of         private  tutoring.  Seniors  can
        handyman will provide you                                               you need at every stage                                                             hours  you  want  to  spend           capitalize  on  this  trend  by
        with  a  business  that  will                                           o f                y o u r                                                          working  versus  spending  time       offering subject matter tutoring,
        keep growing.
                                                                                e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p                                                     with  grandchildren,  on  leisure     SAT prep, college essay writing
     8.     L a n d s c a p i n g   –   you  know  if  you  have  what  it                                                                                          activities, or traveling the world.   support, and more. As a bonus,
        although this is a seasonal  takes to launch and succeed in a           journey.  If  you're                                                                In addition to considering your       you can set your own rates and
        job, for many people it can  new business:                              trying  to  refine  your                                                            finances and health, before you       hours  and  tutor  only  as  many

        be a year-round venture. If  1.         Do you believe that your  world-changing business                                                                   settle  on  a  business  to  start    students as you desire.
        you  like  cutting  and             business will succeed?              idea,  courses  can  help                                                           consider  how  big  a  business  Writing and Editing
        trimming lawns and bushes,                                                                                                                                  you'll  want  to  start.  Although  I f   y o u   h a v e   g o o d
                                         2.     Are  you  prepared  to  do      y o u   g e t   i n   t h e
        raking leaves and working           whatever is necessary to make                                                                                           some seniors might be interested  communications  skills,  you
        outdoors,  starting  a              your business a success?            e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l                                                       in  starting  a  business  with  may be able to make extra cash
        landscaping  business  is                                               mindset, generating the                                                             employees and office space, if
                                         3.     Are  you  willing  to  work
        something  you  should                                                  i n s p i r a t i o n   a n d                              any  retirees  are       you're retired or near retirement
        consider.                           for little or no salary during                                                                turning  to  business     a lifestyle business may be more
                                            your start-up phase?                creativity  you  need  to                      Mownership as a way to
     9.     Website Designer – if                                                                                                                                   to  your  liking.  A  lifestyle      helping  businesses  -especially
                                         4.     Do  you  know  who  your        think  outside  the  box                       stay busy and active as well as
        you  like  working  on  the                                                                                                                                 business  is  one  that  provides    small  businesses  –  with  their
        computer  and  have  no             competition will be?                and  identify  new                             supplement  their  retirement        enough income and free time to       c o m m u n i c a t i o n s   n e e d s .
        p r o b l e m   d e s i g n i n g    5.   Do you have a sales and  o p p o r t u n i t i e s   f o r                   income.                              let you enjoy a desired type of      Businesses  may  need  copy  for
        Websites,  then  get  busy          marketing plan in place?            innovation. Once you've                        When  it  comes  to  working  in     living.   Is a senior with social    the  company  website  or  blog,
        NOW  and  launch  this           Unless you answered “yes” to all       got  your  vision,  more                       retirement, it's worth noting that   security,  pension,  and  savings,   publicity  releases,  sales
        venture. There seems to be       of  the  above  questions,  you                                                       not  all  businesses  are  created   that  might  mean  just  working     materials or manuals written or
        an endless supply of clients     might not be ready to hang out         practical  courses  can                        equal.  Some  industries  require    part  time  in  a  business  that    proofread.
        who need new Websites.           your shingle just yet. Take some  help with things like the                           higher startup costs in the form     evolves  around  your  personal      Online Courses
                                         time, do some research and then                                                       of  supplies,  staff,  and  rent  on   skills or hobbies.
     10.    Party  and  Event                                                   process  of  launching  your                   brick-and-mortar  shops.  If                                              The  online  learning/training
        Planner – are you good at        when you are confident you are         startup,   business  modeling  and             you're  a  senior  thinking  about   Here  are  some  of  the  best       market  is  expected  to  exceed
                                                                                                                                                                    retirement business ideas:
        organizing  parties  and         ready to launch, then go for it!       planning,  lean  startup                       how to start a business, consider  Taxes and Bookkeeping                  $200 billion by 2024. If you have
        events? If so, this business                                                                                           your  financial  limitations.  In  Many entrepreneurs need a little       a  skill  that  other  people  would
        might  be  worth  pursuing.                                             principles,  and          change               particular,  retirees  should  be  help  managing  the  books.  If        pay to learn and you're good at
        The  party  business  has                                               management.  And  when                         wary of taking on debt during  your  day  job  involved                   explaining things, you could tap
        grown into a billion dollar          Frequently Asked                   you're ready to bring in                       their golden years or depleting  accounting or tax prep, then you         into that market by turning what
        industry,  and  people                  Questions on                    outside investors, online                      their retirement savings to start  might  want  to  consider              you  know  into  one  or  more
        everywhere are looking for           Entrepreneurship                                                                  a business.                          providing  financial  consulting     courses to teach online.
        help  to  create  “the  perfect   equity,  and  choosing  the           courses  can  help  with                       Your health is another thing to  services in retirement. Not only
        party and event!                                                        startup  valuation  and                        consider.  In  deciding  on  a  can you start this small business         You  can  sell  your  courses
     Before You Leap                    right funding strategy for              financing strategy.                            business  to  start,  honestly  with little to no capital, but you        through  online  marketplaces
     Whether  you  plan  to  choose     each  stage  of  your                                                                                                                                            such as Udemy, or through your
                                                                                                                               evaluate your physical ability to  can perform your services from
     one of these 10 business ideas  business's development is                                                                                                                                           own website or other platforms
                                                                                                                               do  the  work.  For  instance,  a  home or anywhere else with a
     or a business idea of your own,    a critical skill for aspiring                                                          business that would require you  Wi-Fi connection.                        for  course  delivery.  Once  the
     take this little quiz before you                                                                                          to stand for long periods of time  Tutoring                               courses are created you primary
     proceed. Your answers will let     entrepreneurs.                                                                                                                                                   time  investment  will  be
                                                                                                                               or do a lot of bending or lifting,  Retired  teachers  and  librarians                         Continue on pg 8
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