Page 4 - The Notice Board July 2020 edition 60 FINAL.cdr
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                                                                                             September, 2010                     September                                                                                     Page 13
                                                                                                                                  October, 2008, 2010
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 13
                                                                                     campaign will do in the                      Coronavirus Pandemic
           You Must Advertize - WHY?                                                 market. This is done to                            Reveals New                      Ways To Help Your Child Succeed
                                                                                     know  whether  the
                                                                                     product  or  service  will
                                                                                     be able to withstand the                    Possibilities in Education              At Online Distance Lwarning
                                                                                     competition or not.

                                                                                  · S e l e c t i n g   t h e
                                                                                     advertising media- here                    being ill prepared to deliver
                                                                                     one studies the benefits                   instruction through remote
                                                                                     and drawbacks of all the                   learning.
                                                                                     available  media  like
                                                                                     t e l e v i s i o n ,   r a d i o ,
                                                                                     newspaper, internet etc.                   In  the  end,  this  crisis
                                                                                     On  the  basis  of  their                  shaken all aspects of life to
                                                                                     comparison,  you  select                   t h e   c o r e ,   i n c l u d i n g
                                                                                     the  media  which  you                     education.  But  it's  also
                                                                                     feel will do justice to the
                                                                                     advertising campaign.                      yielded  potentialities  that

     When one starts a business or  television,  newspapers,  radio,              · Cost-benefit  analysis-                     lie ahead.
     is  running  a  business,  one  banners,  pamphlets,  websites                  T h i s   a n a l y s i s   i s                 INSPIRATIONAL                                  ith schools in the majority of states closed
     needs to make people aware  etc. Each advertising media has                     performed  for  two                                   QUOTE                                    during this time, many teachers, children, and
     of  the  fact.  Promotion  is  its own pros and cons and one                    reasons.  The  first  is  to                    “You can talk with              Wtheir parents are relying on distance learning.
     important  for  any  type  of  must evaluate all of them before                 decide  whether  the                           someone for years,               According  to  Gallup's  recent  poll,  over  83  percent  of
     business  to  let  others  know  selecting a particular media. The              advertising  campaign                         everyday, and still, it
     about the business. Any type  main  thing  that  needs  to  be                  will benefit the business                   won't mean as much as               children are learning through an online distance learning
     of business, whether it is run  considered is that the advertising              and  help  to  earn  good                  what you can have when               program.  Even  as  many  school  across  the  country  are
     online  or  offline  requires  medium selected must be able to                  income. If yes, then you                                                        opened to allow the final year students to write their final
     customers  so  that  it  can  reach  a  large  number  of                       proceed with campaign.                           you sit in front of            examinatioss, due to present pandemic period, I do not
     experience  a  good  business  customers.                                       The  other  reason  is  to                  someone, not saying a
     turnaround.  However,  the  Generally, large businesses hire                    check  whether  the  cost                    word, yet you feel that            think students will be returning to the classroom anytime
     only  means  of  reaching  the  services  of  an  advertising                   of promoting a product                      person with your heart,             soon.
     customers is advertising. This  agency to promote their products                or  service  using  a                        you feel like you have
     is  why  advertising  is  and  services.  They  handle  the                     particular  advertising                       known the person for              Instead, many schools will be relying on a blended learning
     important  for  a  business.  entire  advertisement  campaign                   media  justifies  the                        forever.... connections            system of classroom and distance learning throughout the
     Once  a  business  advertises  and all aspects of the company's                 benefits it reaps. This is                 are made with the heart,
     about  its  products  and  Marketing.  However,  MSMEs                          done to make sure that                                                          week. Now, not only is online education the growing solution
     services, it is able to run in a  can  employ  a  marketing                     advertising  using  a                            not the tongue.”               for  colleges  but  the  entire  school  system.  For  these
     competitive environment.           individual  to  handle  the  entire          p a r t i c u l a r   m e d i a                  ― C. JoyBell C.                children, their parents, and their educators, they will now
     Advertising  is  important  for  process of promoting a product                 benefits the business by                                                        have to figure out the best way to adjust to their new
     every aspect of a business. It  or service by breaking it down                  helping  it  get  more                        “Attitude is a choice.
     plays  an  imperative  role  for  into stages and then working on               customers  and  increase                     Happiness is a choice.             normal.
     both  manufacturers  and  each  stage.  These  stages  are                      revenue.                                     Optimism is a choice.
     consumers.  Advertising  is  described below:                                · Deciding  the  mode  of                       Kindness is a choice.              Make Learning Interactive And Continuous
     important for the business on          · Market  analysis-  Here                advertisement-  The                            Giving is a choice.              Instead of overwhelming children with large amounts of
     the  whole  as  it  lets  the             you first study the market            market  person  then                          Respect is a choice.              information at once, structure their learning schedule so
     b u s i n e s s   g a i n   m o r e       to  know  the  target                 d e c i d e s   h o w   t h e
     customers, thereby increasing             audience and the needs of             m e s s a g e   w i l l   b e                 Whatever choice you               that  new  information  is  presented  in  small  doses.  The
     business revenue.                         the  target  audience.  You           conveyed  to  the  target                       make makes you.                 attention span of children can vary according to their age
     Advertising  can  be  achieved            also study the competition            audience. You may use                            Choose wisely.”                and ability. For instance, according to child development
     using  various  media  like               present  in  the  market  to          simple  pamphlets  or                       ― Roy T. Bennett, The               experts, a child aged 4-5 years old should be able to focus
                                               know how the advertising              banners  to  let  the                           Light in the Heart                                                                        Continue on pg 14
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