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Page 8 September, 2010 September, 2010 Page 9
Best Businesses for Retirees to Start WISDOM QUOTE Businesses You Can Start for Less than 3,000 Cedis
Continued from pg 7 “There is neither Contd from page 8 The list of business startup
marketing them to attract a happiness nor misery
steady stream of new in the world; there is ideas below represents just a
customers. few of the many different types
Consulting only the comparison of service businesses you can
Retirees often boast extensive of one state with start with limited funds. If none
another, nothing
industry knowledge thanks to of these suits you, think of
decades on the job. If you want more. He who has felt what other type of service you
to earn extra cash in retirement, the deepest grief is could provide and start using
consider providing consulting best able to similar tactics.
services based on your experience supreme 1. Pet Care – pets are a
previous career. For example, happiness. We must billion cedi industry in the
franchisees have higher success have felt what it is to
individuals with computer Ghana, and there is a
expertise might provide tech rates than independent startups die, Morrel, that we growing demand for new
support for a local business. like retail stores and restaurants. may appreciate the o you want to start a Pet Care businesses. You 4. Freelance Writer – if
For best results, choose a enjoyments of life.
Similarly, seniors who worked business but don't have can start small, then grow you have ever dreamed
franchise in an industry with " Live, then, and be about seeing your name in
in finance could advise Dmuch money to spend? and expand your services as
individuals and businesses on which you're comfortable and happy, beloved It can be done. Starting a you attract new clients. print (and getting paid at the
research your franchise choice children of my heart, same time), freelance
their investment choices. service business is often the Some of the pet care
very carefully before signing a and never forget, that
Whatever your area of answer. Here are some services you can offer writing might be in your
contract. until the day God will future. Writer's Digest
expertise, the possibility exists Creative Products business ideas that can be include: feeding and
to earn a solid paycheck. In deign to reveal the launched for less than walking, grooming, or magazine is an excellent
Do you have a talent for crafting?
fact, many companies are able Maybe you're a skilled quilter or future to man, all GH¢3,000 in startup funds. visiting a client's home and resource; you'll find lots of
to pay consultants more than an exceptional artist. If so, you human wisdom is caring for their pet while great articles on how to
they can full-time employees may be able to earn extra cash by contained in these You've probably read about they are working. break into the writing
since they don't have to two words, 'Wait and people starting their own industry.
selling your creative wares. 2. House Cleaning – it
swallow the cost of their While some seniors opt to do the Hope.” businesses with very little seems like everyone is too 5. Property Management
benefits. majority of their business in Alexandre Dumas money and making a fortune. busy to clean their own – m a n y p r o p e r t y
Franchises And it can be done -- homes these days. The management companies
Many of these popular shops person at flea markets and fairs, particularly if you're starting a first started out as house
others prefer to sell online. Sites demand for good house
are actually owned by WISDOM QUOTE service business. But a word to cleaners seems to grow each sitting businesses, then
franchisees, or individuals like Etsy provide a digital the wise: for every success story year. In this business, word evolved as the need arose.
marketplace through which “By three methods
granted licenses to do business there are dozens of failures that of mouth will be your best Note: property management
under the trademark of a larger craftspeople can sell everything we may learn go unreported. The key to is a demanding business,
from makeshift jewelry to advertising. So find your
company. If you are a wisdom: First, by improving your chances for first client (friend, business and you need very good
relatively young “senior” and homemade house decor. reflection, which is startup success is to be smart. associate, someone from “people skills” in order to be
Use your imagination
have some money to invest, These are just a few of the many noblest; Second, by Be honest with yourself about church, etc.) and start small. successful.
you may want to consider your willingness to work hard
types of businesses that are imitation, which is 3. Auto Detailing – this is 6. House painter – if you
buying a franchise rather than suitable for seniors to start. To and research the business you like to paint, this business
launching a business from find the best business for you to easiest; and third plan to start before you jump another business that people can be a real goldmine for
scratch. Better franchises by experience, into the new business pool. In are looking for in their
start as a senior, consider you can hometowns. Professional you. Whether you want to
provide training and name other words, get a BUSINESS
use what you know how to do to which is the auto detailers can charge as specialize in indoor or
recognition that you won't solve someone else's problem for PLAN. You may contact Dilton outdoor house painting, it is
have if you start your own fill a need. bitterest.” Consult for your business plans. much as ¢50 to ¢250, another business where
business. As a result, some Confucious Visit depending upon what
services they provide. “word of mouth” will help
or call 020-8131656.
you grow. Continue on pg 10