Page 6 - The Notice Board July 2020 edition 60 FINAL.cdr
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Page 6                                                                               September, 2010                     September, 2010                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 11
                                                                                              October 1 - 31, 2007                     October 1 - 31, 2007
                                                                                training classes that are offered
           WHERE TO FIND ONLINE TRAINING COURSES                                through  some  of  the  above                        Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals

                                                                                platforms,  and  many  of  them
    Continued from pg 5                                                         offer  certificates  of  completion
     platforms you can try.                                                     or  other  proof  of  training.                       New Possibilities in Education

     Code Academy                                                               MOOCs  are  available  to

     ·      -  Code  Academy  is  an                                            individuals  and  often  to                                                          s w a n   m o m e n t   f o r        time,  but  how  many
        online  computer  coding                                                businesses so that employees can                                                     education,  as  it  will  never      educators  were  actually
        training  campground.  You                                              upskill. Some industries, such as                                                    be the same after students           using  them  pre-corona
        can learn to develop websites                                           real estate and accounting, have                                                     return to campuses.
        using  HTML,  CSS,  and                                                 online  training  resources                                                                                               virus? These possibilities
        JavaScript  or  move  on  to        videography.                        available  for  continuing                                                                                                to connect with students
        more  advanced  coding           Business Training                      education.  Learn  more  about                                                       Often,  it  takes  losing  or        remotely were there, but
        classes  such  as  Python. You                                          MOOCs at   .                                                                removing  something  for
                                         ·      - Learning how to start and                                                                                                                               we have relied heavily on a
        can  also  study  data  science,
                                            manage a business is not easy.                                                                                           things  to  be  revealed.            face-face  educational
        learn SQL, and skill yourself
                                            Learning on the job is free, but
        in other computer languages                                                 SUCCESS QUOTE                                                                    Possibilities  existed  all          model,  despite  the  fact
                                            when  you  consider  that  most
        such  as  Java,  Ruby,  PHP,                                              “Don't aim at success.                                                             along,  but  we  become              that much of society now
                                            new  businesses  don't  survive
        C++, C#, Swift, and R. They                                               The more you aim at it                                cationdu  has  been          complacent, and do not see
                                            past five years, and many don't                                                                                                                               operates  using  a  social
        also  offer  a  catalog  for                                             and make it a target, the
                                            make  it  beyond  the  two-year                                                             turned upside down in        them  until  a  major  shift,        media,  technologically
        businesses.                                                                more you are going to
                                            mark, it pays to gain some basic                                                   El i g h t   o f   t h e              like this pandemic, occurs.
     Guitar Lessons                         business knowledge before you        miss it. For success, like                                                                                               distanced lifestyle.
                                                                                   happiness, cannot be                        coronavirus  pandemic.                Then, it's like drawing back
     ·      -  There  are  all  sorts  of   start.  Open  Culture  lists  over    pursued; it must ensue,                      Schools across the country
        places online to learn how to       100  free  online  business         and it only does so as the                                                           the curtains or raising the          I ' m   n o t   s a y i n g   t o
        play  the  guitar.  Just  Google    c o u r s e s   f o r   w o u l d - b e    unintended side effect of               have  been  closed,  and              blinds,  the  light  comes           abandoned  face-to-face
        “guitar lessons” or search for      entrepreneurs.  These  range        one's personal dedication                      students thrust into remote           shining  in.  In  my  opinion,       instruction in k-12 schools
        guitar  lessons  on  YouTube.       from basic business strategy to       to a cause greater than                      learning. Teachers, in many           this situation has shed light        or  higher  education.  All
        The best training will be paid      financial accounting.
                                                                                    oneself or as the by-                      cases, have had little or no          on  many  new  possibilities
        training,  but  if  you're  just   Investing Classes                          product of one's                                                                                                    I'm  saying  is  we  have
        starting out and want to test                                                                                          time  to  really  prepare  to         inherent  in  our  education         demonstrated  that  we
                                         ·      -   O n e   w a y   m a n y        surrender to a person
        the waters,                                                                                          deliver this different form           system. For instance:
                                            companies  secure  new  clients          other than oneself.                                                                                                  can  use  other  tools  to
        offers  free  online  guitar                                                                                           of instruction.
                                            is by teaching those clients how     Happiness must happen,                                                                 · More creative use of            supplement—and  ideally
                                            to perform tasks related to the       and the same holds for                       Parents  have  also  been                    t e c h n o l o g y   b y     enhance--the  instruction
      Cooking Classes                       company's  core  competency.        success: you have to let it                    tasked with helping to guide                 t e a c h e r s .   2 1 s t
     ·      - If you want to learn how      TD  Ameritrade,  for  instance,        happen by not caring                        students,  as  they  juggle                  c e n t u r y   s k i l l s ,
        to cook, PopSugar has a list of     has courses for its clients that       about it. I want you to
        12  free  online  cooking           t e a c h   t h e m   i n v e s t i n g    listen to what your                     their own work from home.                    operating  more  like
        classes.                            principles. By the same token,        conscience commands                                                                       how  students  will  in
                                            investment  research  and  data       you to do and go on to
     Nikon School Online                                                                                                       Some education leaders are                   the future workplace.
                                            firm  Morningstar  offers            carry it out to the best of
     ·      - Photography is another                                                                                           concerned  about  students
                                            investing classes.                    your knowledge. Then
        skill  you  can  learn  for  free                                                                                      falling  far  behind  in  their
                                         If  there  is  anything  you  want  to   you will live to see that in                                                       Technologies such as Zoom,
        online.  Ther  are  plenty  of
                                         learn, there is likely a way to learn   the long-run—in the long-                     studies,  and  rightfully  so.        G o o g l e   C l a s s r o o m ,
        places to go if you just Google
                                         it online. You just have to find the    run, I say!—success will                      Others are saying this is a
        “ o n l i n e   p h o t o g r a p h y                                                                                                                        Microsoft  Teams,  have
                                         right  resource. And  much  of  the        follow you precisely
        lessons.” In this case, camera                                                                                         major turning point, a black          existed  for  quite  some                                 Continue on pg 12
                                         training is free.                            because you had
        manufacturer  Nikon  has  a
                                         One category of online training is     forgotten to think about it”
        series  of  free  classes  in
                                         called  Massive  Open  Online          ― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's
        p h o t o g r a p h y   a n d                                                                                           "It's better to be a pirate than to join the navy. " — Steve Jobs,
                                         Course (MOOC). These are online            Search for Meaning
                                                                                                                                                                     co-founder of Apple
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