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          Volume 14 • Issue 7 • $5.00  January 2018

                   SFHHA                                     ONCOLOGY UPDATE                                                    2018:

                NEWSLINE                       Miami Cancer Institute Celebrates                                       A LOOK AHEAD

                                                            Successful First Year

                                                        BY VANESSA ORR

                                              This coming January will mark the one-year
                                            anniversary of the Miami Cancer Institute. The
                                            $430 million, 445,000 sq. ft. facility has rapidly
                                            grown in volume since its inception and is now
                                            seeing up to 850 unique patients a day. Its radia-
                                            tion therapy unit is also seeing far beyond its
                                            anticipated number of patients.
                                              “We’ve had a great response in terms of vol-
                                            ume,” said founding CEO and Executive Medical
                                            Director Michael J. Zinner, MD. “We intentionally
                                            started slowly because at the same time that we
                   David Wagner                                                                                                 Mike Bickers
                                            opened our doors, we were also implementing a
                                            new electronic medical records (EMR) system.”
             Winnergy …                       The Miami Cancer Institute, part of Baptist  Dr. Michael J. Zinner      HFMA Partners
                                            Health South Florida, offers all services that can-
         New Chairman’s                     cer patients need in one place. “To the best of my knowledge, we are the only place in  with SFHN
                                            North America, maybe even the western hemisphere, that has every radiation therapy
                                            device available to treat patients under one roof,” said Dr. Zinner. “There are five or six
               Philosophy                                                                                                     in 2018
                                                                                                Continued on page 22
               BY BARBARA R. FALLON                                                                                   The Florida Chapter of the Healthcare
                                                   Helping Oncologists Treat the                                    Financial Management Association
          Last month, David Wagner accepted                                                                         (HFMA) is pleased to announce a part-
         the reins for the next two years as                                                                        nership with South Florida Hospital News
         Chairman of SFHHA from outgoing     Disease While Palliative and Hospice                                   & Healthcare Report (SFHN). We are
         Chair, Chantal LeConte, Joe DiMaggio                                                                       excited about the opportunity to promote
         Children’s Hospital CEO, with much            Services Treat the Patient                                   the benefits of membership in Florida
         praise and admiration for her leadership.                                                                  HFMA through this media outlet and
         According to Wagner, “Her guidance,                                                                        promote our upcoming meetings and
         combined with the board’s participation,                                                                   events.
         corralled internal and external expertise    BY ILEANA LEYVA, MD                                             As part of this arrangement, SFHN will
         to address common challenges, drive                                                                        become part of the Florida HFMA Family,
         action, contribute to the conversation  Since the emergence of hospice programs in                         participating in our HFMA conferences
         and make a difference by forging new  1982, cancer treatment has undergone sweeping                        around the state, and will be our exclu-
         paths for our members.”            changes and advancements, marked by hun-                                sive Media Sponsor.
          No stranger to health care, Wagner’s  dreds of new cancer drugs and biologics, genetic                      This month we are conducting a mem-
         career began on the clinical side as a res-  technologies, targeted therapies, greater access              bership drive in the state of Florida, so
         piratory therapist. He earned his MBA  to clinical trials, and massive investments in                      this partnership with SFHN is very time-
         from NOVA Southeastern and broadened  cancer treatment centers.                                            ly. We are reaching out to healthcare pro-
         his clinical knowledge with administrative  Compared with cancer patients 35 years, ago,                   fessionals throughout the state, encour-
         responsibility for Cardiopulmonary areas,  2018 patients are more likely to survive and                    aging them to come “Join the Family” by
         EEG services and Sleep Labs. He then  emerge from treatment cancer-free, or more                           becoming members of the Florida chap-
         served in health care academics as  likely to function and live at home with cancer                        ter of the HFMA.
         Campus President for the American  for months or years—a trend that presents chal-                           Florida HFMA is the largest HFMA
         College of Health which provides curricu-  lenges to hospice services and their focus on  Dr. Ileana Leyva   chapter in the nation with more than
         lum and faculty for ancillary professionals  end-of-life care.                                             1,400 members on average. Our provider
                         Continued on page 36                                                   Continued on page 25                 Continued on page 10

                                           Coming this January -

                                    Our new online publication

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