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Helping Patients


                                                                                                     Alternative Health


                          BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                                   “In addition to being a revenue stream for physicians, these prod-
                                                                                              ucts now give patients a choice in their healthcare,” says Curran.
          As corporate consultants, medical consultants, and more recent-                     “Many times doctors are dictated by pharmaceutical companies but
        ly, as the founders of a company providing diagnostic testing serv-                   patients should have a choice in what they are taking. In addition,
        ices to physician offices in South Florida, Stephanie Curran and her                  physicians don’t have to necessarily stress seeing as many patients as
        fiancé saw several problems within the medical industry.                              they typically would, knowing that these products and this revenue
          “It was disheartening to see that today’s physicians have to work                   stream can add so much value to what they are currently doing.”
        twice as hard and see twice as many patients but make half as much                     Through Biolief, physician practices and clinics have access to
        money as they used to,” Curran says.                                                  Biolief’s software platform that allows their patients to purchase hemp-
          After Amendment 2 was approved by voters in November 2016,                          based products at the touch of a button. When a physician’s clinic,
        that opened up a brand new industry to serve tens of thousands of                     practice or office, becomes a collaborative partner with Biolief, that
        people throughout the state. Curran knew that several of her physi-                   practice is created as a user in its system for a small fee.
        cian clients became interested in getting involved in the cannabis                     What this does is give the practice or clinic a unique E-commerce
        industry but didn’t necessarily know how to.                                          site (which is a replica of Biolief’s site) that links all sales to them.
          “We were invited to a cannabis conference and at that conference                    Patients or consumers can place an order online at that clinic or from
        we were exposed to the hemp and cannabidiol (CBD) market-                             the comfort of their home through the E-commerce site, and in turn,
        place,” says Curran. “At that point, we saw a real unique opportu-  Stephanie Curran  the clinic or office makes a profit on the transaction. All payouts and
        nity to be able to provide another revenue stream to physicians.”                     consumer information is contained on Biolief’s secure server and man-
          After speaking with several attorneys and understanding the legality of HEMP  aged by the executive team.
        based upon the reprieve of the 2014 federal Farm Bill, which allows state agriculture  “All of our partners have access to the same products that we have access to and
        departments to designate hemp projects for research and development, Curran and  we can track those sales through the website,” says Curran.
        her fiancé started their new business, Biolief and created a software platform for their  Biolief provides:
        new, proprietary, high-grade, hemp-based products. According to the company, the  • Application of all required licenses
        products are some of the most efficacious in the market. Their grower’s proprietary  • Business registrations for whole-sale certificates
        solvent-free infusion process treats only all-natural ingredients with simple heat,  • Legal fees for their side
        water and pressure. They are also committed to whole-plant formulation, meaning  • Project management/building of all website development within the software
        that they do not use solvents, do not add distillates and do not add terpenes back in.  • Development and Strategic Implementation of all sales processes
                                                                                   • Development and Strategic Implementation of all marketing processes
                                                                                     and trainings
                                                                                   • Management of all Sales Reps
                                                                                   • Management of all payouts and commissions structures
                                                                                   • Management/Oversight and implementation of call center/customer service
                                                                                     support center
                                                                                   Biolief assigns a sales rep to each of their partner’s practices or clinic and gives them
                                                                                 a 3-foot wide kiosk with 25 marketing materials and an iPad. Patients can order the
                                                                                 hemp-based products right from the iPad and the products are drop shipped to their
                                                                                   “We also provide training and the resources to the doctors,” says Curran. “To help
                                                                                 them further, we hold weekly sales training calls. We’re gaining a lot of traction with
                                                                                 the new company. Not only are we in South Florida, but we have a presence in 24
                                                                                 states now.”

                                                                                                                   For more information, visit or
                                                                                                                    call Ms. Stephanie Curran at (561) 779-3399.

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