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Dear Readers:

                                                                   South Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report welcomes you to
                                                                  Cannabis News Florida, a feature of our print publication, website and
                                                               e-newsletters. Its purpose is to provide pertinent educational information from
                                                           leading authorities about medical and business developments in the medical cannabis
                                                                    industry. We also provide both national and international information
                                                                   which will affect the medical cannabis business in the State of Florida.

                                        DocMJ Makes It Easier, More Convenient

                                 to Receive Medical Marijuana Recommendations

                           BY VANESSA ORR                                                  to recommend medical marijuana and to enter a patient into the state reg-
                                                                                           istry . “While some general practitioners have taken the course, most have
          Now that the state of Florida has legalized medical marijuana,                   not because it’s just too much work to add on to an already busy practice,”
        many patients are using it to find relief from a number of condi-                  said Dr. Bottaro, adding that even physicians who have taken the course may
        tions, including cancer, Crohn’s disease, PTSD and more. Despite                   not have the time to stay up-to-date on the different strains of marijuana and
        this, there are still many people who could benefit from its use but               other changes in the industry .
        who may not know how to get a physician’s recommendation or                          DocMJ makes it a priority to educate each patient. “We spend a lot of time
        how to sign up on the state registry .                                             talking about the different types of marijuana and what will work best for
          DocMJ is helping to streamline this process. The practice’s 15                   them, depending on what we’re trying to treat,” explained Dr. Bottaro. “You
        physicians located in 14 cities throughout Florida provide risk-free               wouldn’t recommend Sativa for a patient with an anxiety disorder, for exam-
        evaluations, as well as walk patients through the sign-up process.                 ple, because it has been known to induce or worsen anxiety . If you’re just
        In addition, they work closely with patients to determine the type                 signing them up without going through the different options for, say , PTSD
        of medical marijuana that will give them the best result.                          or bipolar disease, you’re leaving them at the mercy of the dispensary selling
          “Most of the patients we see are looking for alternatives to tradi-              the product. We want to steer them in the right direction.”
        tional medicine, better treatment options or perhaps symptom                         Once a patient is approved, their name is entered into the state registry
        relief for the first time in their lives,” explained Dr. Nicholas  Dr. Nicholas Bottaro  along with information on the maximum daily dose and the appropriate
        Bottaro. “They are often hesitant and nervous because they don’t                   route for its ingestion - for example, as pills, drops, creams or by inhalation.
        know what to expect. While they are desperate for help, they are                   The patient then completes the state part of the application online, and pays
        afraid of the stigma and worried about what the physician will think. We work to create  $75 for a permanent ID card. Within roughly two weeks, they receive an email with their
        a very relaxed, comfortable environment so that they don’t have any reason to be anx-  approval and can go to a dispensary to buy their medicine.
        ious.”                                                                     Florida law requires that patients see physicians every seven months to check how they
          According to Dr. Bottaro, the majority of the patients that DocMJ sees qualify for med-  are progressing before the recommendation can be renewed. In order to save patients
        ical marijuana. “Most of our patients already have a diagnosis from their own doctors, for  time and money , DocMJ offers a package for $169 that covers the first visit, paperwork
        example, they have been diagnosed with a disease like multiple sclerosis or cancer,” he  for monthly refills, and follow-up visits during that time as needed.
        explained, adding that during an appointment with a DocMJ physician, a patient’s med-  “Some places are taking advantage and saying that patients have to come in monthly
        ical records and symptoms are reviewed. “In a smaller number of cases, we diagnose the  for their refills, and charging them every time,” said Dr. Bottaro. “I think that hinders
        patients ourselves.”                                                     people from getting good care. We’re not in it for the money; we’re here to help as many
          Dr. Bottaro gives the example of a person with a severe anxiety disorder who may not  people as possible.”
        have seen a doctor for years out of fear. “If we believe that the person could greatly benefit
        from medical marijuana and that it would provide relief in some way , we will recommend               To learn more about DocMJ or to make an appointment,
        it,” he said. “We don’t want to turn away someone who needs it.               visit or call 888-908-0143. You can also visit them on Facebook to talk
          All DocMJ physicians have taken the state-mandated course that is required to be able                with other patients, the physicians or the support team.

                           Jeff Sessions Threatens Legalized Marijuana

                                      by Reversing Obama-Era Policy

            On January 4, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rolled back an Obama-era policy of refraining from prosecuting marijuana businesses and
          individual users in states that have legalized the drug for medicinal or recreational use. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced this,
          calling the move a “return to the rule of law.”
          Marijuana Criminalization
            Jeff Sessions announced the decision in a memo sent to all U.S. attorneys that highlighted marijuana’s continued criminalization under federal
          law. In the memo, he labeled previous DOJ guidance discouraging enforcement as “unnecessary” and “rescinded, effective immediately.”
            “It is the mission of the Department of Justice to enforce the laws of the United States, and the previous issuance of guidance undermines the  BY GEORGE F. INDEST
          rule of law and the ability of our local, state, tribal and federal law enforcement partners to carry out this mission,” Sessions said in a statement.  III, J.D., M.P.A., LL.M.
            This move creates a cloud of uncertainty for legal marijuana businesses and the legalization effort which most recently had seen the start of
          legal recreational marijuana sales in California on January 1, 2018. Currently, 29 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana in some form.
            However, marijuana remains a Schedule I drug under federal law, making it a criminal offense to deal or even possess it.

                                                                                                  George F. Indest III is Board Certified by The Florida Bar in Health Law.
                                                                 To contact The Health Law Firm please call (407) 331-6620 and visit the website at

                                   Visit us on the web at

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