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May 4-5
             DATEBOOK                                                                                     Florida Stroke Symposium
                                                                                                            Broward Health North Comprehensive Stroke
                                                                                                          Center presents the 6th Annual Florida Stroke
                                                                                                          Symposium on Friday, May 4 and Saturday, May 5 at
                                                                                                          Embassy Suites, 950 South Ocean Dr., Deerfield Beach.
          April 13                                        April 19-20                                     For more information, call (954) 786-7302, email
          The Business of Health Care: What’s Next        Health Care Industry Conference         or   register  at
            The Business of Health Care: What’s Next will be held  FICPA presents the Health Care Industry Conference
          Friday, April 13 at the University of Miami. For more  April 19-20 at Caribe Royale, Orlando. Up to 17 hours of
          information, visit                                                  May 18
                                                          CPE credit. For more information, visit
                                                                                                          Broward Partnership Hosts “Nash Bash”
          April 13                                        April 20                                          The Broward Partnership brings “Nash-Vegas” to
          Retired Physician Luncheon & Presentation       Heroes in Medicine                              South Florida on Friday, May 18 at its 19th Annual
            The first Retired Physician Luncheon & Presentation  Palm Beach County Medical Society & Services  Salute to Leadership Gala. The “Nash Bash” gets under-
          is set for Friday, April 13 at 12 noon at Café Sapori, 205  presents Heroes in Medicine luncheon and awards cer-  way at 6:30 p.m. and will be held at the Signature Grand,
          Southern Boulevard, West Palm Beach. Dr. Larry Bush  emony on Friday, April 20 at the Kravis Center, Cohen  6900 State Road 84 in Davie. For more information, visit
          will present Anthrax in the Mail: How It All Unfolded —  Pavilion, 701 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach. For
          So Who Did This? The Palm Beach County Medical  more information, call (561) 433-3940 or visit
          Society (PBCMS) is seeking retired physicians who prac-                  May 20-23
          ticed medicine in the Northeast and have retired or are                                         HFMA Florida Spring Conference
          considering retiring to Palm Beach County. For reserva-  April 26                                 The HFMA Florida Spring Conference & Meeting
          tions,  contact  Deanna   Lessard   by   email                                                  will take place May 20-23 at The Vinoy Renaissance
 or (561) 433-3940, ext.105.   South Florida Healthcare                        Resort & Golf Club, St. Petersburg. To register, visit
                                                          Networking Group Meeting              
                                                            You are invited to the monthly meeting of the South
          April 14
                                                          Florida Healthcare Networking Group (SFHNG) hosted
          SFHEF Healthcare Leader                                                                         June 13-14
                                                          by Florida Medical Center on Thursday, April 26 from
          Development Case Competition                    7:45 to 10 a.m. You can download the reservation form  SFHHA Healthcare Summit:
            Saturday, April 14 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Holy Cross  at the website or  Emergency Management Response
          Hospital, 4725 N Federal Hwy., Fort Lauderdale.  call (561) 368-6950.                             The South Florida Hospital & Healthcare Association
          Register at                                                                      will present its Annual Healthcare Summit June 13-14 at
                                                                                                          the Signature Grand, Davie, FL. For general registration,
                                                          April 27
                                                          Glen Rice Celebrity Golf Tournament             visit Contact
          April 19                                                                               for more information.
                                                            Community Health of South Florida's Glen Rice
          SFHEF Education Event                           Celebrity Golf Tournament will take place on Friday,
            South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. pres-  April 27 at Shula's Golf Club, 7601 Miami Lakes Drive,  June 29-July 1
          ents Planning Your Career in Healthcare on Thursday,  Miami. Registration begins at 10:00 a.m. followed by a  Primary Care Focus Symposium
          April 19 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at Memorial Regional  shotgun start at 12:00 Noon. The proceeds will help  The 17th Annual Primary Care Focus Symposium will
          Hospital, 3501 Johnson St., Hollywood. Register at  build a Children's Crisis Center for kids with severe  be held June 29 - July 1 at Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo.
                                                                                  For more information, visit the website at
                                                          behavioral health issues. Register online at
                                                 or call (305) 252-4853.

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