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★ ★ ★   Salute to                    Volunteers
                                                ★ ★

                                                                        BROWARD HEALTH NORTH
                 South Florida's
                     Monthly                 Artie Yassar
             Healthcare Newspaper
                                               Artie Yassar has volunteered with the Broward Health North Auxiliary since 2017. After retiring as a
                                             lifelong businessman, Artie moved from New York to Florida in 2010. In 2016, Artie’s wife became sick
                    PO Box 812708
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708     and was brought to Broward Health North. The hospital staff took such good care of his wife that Artie
                Phone: (561) 368-6950        decided to volunteer as a way to support the wonderful caregivers that saved his wife’s life.  Artie works
                                             in the newly remodeled Emergency Department. He is responsible for transporting patients, delivering
                                             linen and food, greeting family members and, most importantly, making patients feel comfortable. The
                      Website:               Emergency Department staff refers to Artie as the “Story Teller” because he always has a new story to
   share. Artie enjoys volunteering in the Emergency Department because from the moment he began vol-
                                             unteering, the staff made him feel welcomed into the family. “Now I pass on the welcoming spirit to
                   CHARLES FELIX             everyone that comes into the Emergency Department,” Artie said.
                    CAROL FELIX
                      Publishers             Joyce Cook
                   NANCY LAMMIE                Joyce Cook has volunteered with the Broward Health North Auxiliary since 2017. As a mother of three
                                             children, two of whom have special needs, Joyce has spent her lifetime taking care of others. After retiring
                                             as a therapeutic counselor for special needs children and adults, Joyce decided to volunteer at the hos-
                    JUDY GRAMM
              Editorial Manager & Webmaster  pital to give back in a different way.  Joyce works in the Employee Health Department assisting with filing
                                             and creating registration packets for newly hired employees. She is very organized and enjoys keeping
                                             her department orderly. Joyce was introduced to Broward Health North when she was brought to the hos-
                   JMC GRAPHICS
                    Art/Production           pital with medical issues.  “Broward Health North saved my life,” Joyce explains, “and this hospital is
             now my home and I love being part of the volunteer family.”
                                                                    BROWARD HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER
                     Lisa Bianco
                   Daniel Casciato           Barbara Saulsby
                    Barbara Fallon
                     Vanessa Orr               Barbara Saulsby joined the Broward Health Medical Center (BHMC) Auxiliary in 2012. In her six years
                    Lois Thomson             of service, she has donated nearly 2,500 hour of service. Barbara works twice a week in the Auxiliary Gift
                                             Shop, striving to exceed her personal goal in sales. She is one of Broward Health Medical Center’s most
                                             successful Gift Shop volunteers.  In addition, Barbara coordinates and schedules volunteers to cover
                                             numerous events throughout the year which ensure positive outcomes for the Auxiliary’s fundraising
               LOOK FOR OUR                  efforts. Prior to joining the Auxiliary, Barbara worked for 41 years for a computer company. She started
                 NEXT ISSUE                  working in high school as a cashier at a supermarket – a skill she puts to great use at Broward Health
                                             Medical Center’s Gift Shop.  In her spare time, she enjoys traveling and cruising with her retirement
                    IN MAY                   group. She is also very active in her church.

                 TO REACH US                 Marne O’Loughlin
                                               Marne O’Loughlin joined the Broward Health Medical Center (BHMC) Auxiliary in March 2013. In
                                             her five years of service, she has donated nearly 5,000 hours of service.  Prior to volunteering, Marne
                 OR EDITORIAL                worked as a surgical technician in Labor and Delivery for 46 years at Broward Health Medical Center.
                 Call (561) 368-6950         While working at the hospital, Marne required a knee replacement and she did her rehabilitation at the
                                             BHMC Outpatient Rehabilitation Center. After a very positive experience, Marne vowed she would come
                      or e-mail
                                             back to help after her retirement, a promise she diligently keeps.
   Marne’s life is one of service. Working in the Outpatient Rehab Center, Marne changes linens and pro-
                                             vides encouragement to patients who are working hard to get back function in their bodies. She works
                                             three full days a week, gaining respect and admiration for her bright and friendly personality.
                                                                 BROWARD HEALTH CORAL SPRINGS
                   One Year $40
                  Two Years $60
                                             Gisele Duvalsaint
                 Three Years $75
                                               Gisele Duvalsaint has been a volunteer for Broward Health Coral Springs for the past 18 years. She cur-
                   To subscribe,             rently volunteers in the ER department where she fits right into the fast-paced environment, drawing on
                call (561) 368-6950          her 35 years of experience as a nurse. She graduated from college in Montreal, Canada and later lived in
                                             New York. With extensive hospital knowledge, she enjoys helping nurses, patients and family members.
               or subscribe online at        She always has a smile on her face and takes pride in her work, always making sure that rooms are fully
      stocked and rooms are clean before patients are assigned. Giselle is a great asset to Broward Health Coral
                    ____________             Springs.

               All rights reserved. Reproduction   Selwyn Gafen
               in whole or part without written
            permission prohibited. Copyright © 2018.
                                               Selwyn Gafen is not just a volunteer, he is part of the PCU family at Broward Health Coral Springs. He
                                             is always proactive and looking for things to do and improve on the unit. He is always ready and available
                                             to help staff out with discharging patients, getting a wheelchair, breaking down charts or putting supplies
              Don’t forget to include        away. Selwyn has great ideas and takes pride in his unit. He’s very observant and customer-service ori-
                                             ented with staff, physicians, patients and their families. The staff always looks forward to when Selwyn
           South Florida Hospital News       comes in because they know he is a supportive team member. Selwyn does not have the word “no” in
               & Healthcare Report           his vocabulary as there is nothing he will say no to if it helps his team out.
              in your Marketing Plans
          Call Charles at 561-368-6950 for a Media Kit

         26                       April 2018                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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