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★ ★    ★  Salute to                                                                                                                        ★
            ★ ★                                            Volunteers ★ ★

                         WEST BOCA MEDICAL CENTER                                                ST. MARY’S MEDICAL CENTER

        Valerie Aalo                                                              Carly Cook

          For the past four years, Valerie Aalo has been volun-                    For the past year, Carly Cook has been volunteering at
        teering her time at West Boca Medical Center. She start-                  St. Mary’s Medical Center. Carly initially worked in the
        ed as a member of the volunteen program. Valerie vol-                     Child Life department, but now uses her time to volun-
        unteers in several places around the hospital, including                  teer in human resources, and is currently the editor-in-
        the BirthCare Pavilion, nursery, dispatch and the surgi-                  chief of the Volunteer Newsletter. Her next goal is to vol-
        cal waiting room. Her hope is to one day be a                             unteer in the pediatric emergency department. Carly is
        Perinatologist, and she is currently enrolled at Florida                  currently a student at the FAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors
        Atlantic University majoring in neuroscience and                          College in Jupiter studying to become a doctor. She feels
        behavior, with a minor in women’s studies. Valerie cred-                  volunteering gives her an opportunity to get immediate
        its her time at West Boca to being able to better under-                  hands on experience in the healthcare field. Carly says
        stand what it will take to work in the medical field. Valerie says she loves volunteer-  her favorite part of volunteering is being able to interact
        ing, but what makes her experience most memorable, is when she gets to see smiles  and interview former patients and staff for the newsletter. She’s fascinated hearing
        on the patient’s faces that she helps care for. Valerie says West Boca is a special place  about the different experiences each patient has had. Carly finds St. Mary’s to be a
        because the hospital makes the volunteer experience mutually beneficial for both the  warm and welcoming environment which is the main reason why she loves volunteer-
        volunteer and the hospital. As Valerie says, “There’s always room for us to grow.”   ing so much.

        Christine Fabella                                                         Mikaila Cartwright

          While new to volunteering at West Boca Medical                           As one of the newest additions to the volunteer pro-
        Center, Christine Fabella is excited to be a part of the                  gram at St. Mary’s Medical Center, Mikaila Cartwright
        West Boca volunteer team. Christine volunteers in the                     wants to focus on all the people she encounters as a vol-
        surgical waiting room, and was looking for an opportu-                    unteer in the St. Mary’s human resources department.
        nity to stay active when she retired in 2016. She has                     This senior in high school plans to attend the University
        exceeded her expectations. Christine loves helping the                    of Florida and major in computer engineering. Mikaila
        families of patients who are having surgery by being a                    says in the short time she’s been at the hospital, it’s
        liaison and keeping them informed during the surgery                      helped her become more understanding and patient. She
        process. Prior to her time volunteering, Christine was a                  feels whenever she’s volunteering, she’s acquiring new
        registered nurse, so when she retired, working in a hospital was a natural fit and gives  skills. Mikaila’s most memorable experience so far was
        her a perspective that other volunteers may not have. Christine lists her most memo-  the opportunity to design the flyer for the St. Baldrick’s Pediatric Cancer Research
        rable experience as being named volunteer of the month in the employee newsletter.    fundraiser.

                                                               Celebrating National Healthcare

                                                               Volunteer Week
                            15   21                            Thank you volunteers and the entire Jupiter Medical Center Auxiliary for putting your

                                                               hearts into everything you do for our patients, the medical center and our community!
                                                               From all of us at Jupiter Medical Center.

                Learn more at

                   1210 S. Old Dixie Hwy. l Jupiter, FL 33458

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    April 2018                          21
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