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★ ★    ★  Salute to                                                                                                                        ★
            ★ ★                                            Volunteers ★ ★

                           JUPITER MEDICAL CENTER                                             PALM BEACH GARDENS MEDICAL CENTER

        Debbie Pelletier                                                                    Jean Carver

                                                                                              For the past 13 years, Jean Carver has
          Debbie Pelletier has been a volunteer at Jupiter Medical
        Center since February 2011 and has put in more than 2,140                           been volunteering her services at Palm
        volunteer hours. Her first interaction with the hospital was in                     Beach Gardens Medical Center. Jean uses
        2008 when her father was a patient. Her positive experience                         her talents to man the front desk and surgi-
        with Jupiter Medical Center during her father’s stay, coupled                       cal waiting room. Jean enjoys helping oth-
        with her passion for helping others, led her to become a volun-                     ers and loves using her time to meet new
        teer.  Debbie is a volunteer in Surgery Family Waiting where she                    and interesting people at the hospital. As a
        greets family members, provides them with information about                         mother to three grown children, Jean thinks
        their loved one’s procedure and answers any questions they may                      raising her kids best prepared her for her
        have. She also assists in training new volunteers. As a devoted                     volunteer role. She finds deep satisfaction
        volunteer, her goal is to make the patient experience as positive and stress-free as possible.   in helping others; even it’s just a small ges-
          Debbie’s dedication to helping others does not end with Jupiter Medical Center. When she  ture to help someone who’s sick get through the day. She has no plans of
        is not volunteering, she is working as a Destination Services Relocation Consultant. In this  slowing down in her role, and finds it to be one of the most rewarding
        role, she helps recently relocated families assimilate to the area.                 experiences of her life.
        Frank Wiesler                                                                       Martha Duncan

                                                                                              There’s not a single area in Palm Beach
          Frank Wiesler has been a volunteer at Jupiter Medical Center
        since January 2003. In the last 15 years, Frank has worn many                       Gardens Medical Center that Martha
        different hats as a volunteer. He now focuses his time as the                       Duncan doesn’t know. She has been volun-
        Auxiliary Administrative Secretary and as a volunteer in the                        teering her time in the hospital for nearly
        Motor Aid Department. As Auxiliary Administrative Secretary,                        40 years. Martha woks the volunteer desk in
        Frank is responsible for all administrative duties, from submit-                    the front lobby. She considers it a privilege
        ting volunteer hours to hiring new volunteers, to keep the                          to be able to serve and help others. Prior to
        organization running smoothly.  In the Motor Aid Department,                        her time at Palm Beach Gardens, Martha
        Frank drives patients to and from their appointments at the                         worked as a secretary in West Palm Beach.
        hospital. Frank describes the most rewarding part of volunteer-                     She cites her office work experience as
        ing as helping out with the little things. Whenever he has an                       something that has helped her tremendous-
        opportunity to alleviate stress for hospital staff or make a patient smile, he takes advantage  ly over the years in her volunteer work at
        of it.  When he is not volunteering, Frank can be found listening to jazz music, woodworking  the hospital. Martha says it has been an amazing journey to see how
        and spending time with his two sons and five grandchildren.                         much the hospital has grown and changed over the years.

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         22                       April 2018                                                                                                                                South Florida Hospital News
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