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★ ★ ★     Salute to                               Volunteers
            ★ ★

                                                                                               BROWARD HEALTH IMPERIAL POINT
                              The Importance                                       Frances J. Campbell

                        of Hospital Volunteers                                       For the past 17 years, Frances J. Campbell, lovingly
                                                                                   known as Fran, has been a volunteer at Broward Health
                Hospital volunteers are an integral part of                        Imperial Point (BHIP). Known for her detail, she was
               the patient experience at Broward Health.                           appointed to the position of gift shop manager.
               They are involved in a variety of roles                             Dedicating at least 25 hours per week, she’s in charge of
               throughout our healthcare system, such as                           inventory, ordering products and training new cashiers at
               transporting patients, changing linens, greet-                      the thriving gift shop. Additionally, she helps with the
               ing family members, administrative duties,                          annual yard sale and bake sale. Fran is originally from
               managing the gift shop and much more.                               Long Island, New York where she worked with her three
               Whatever their role, our volunteers are a                           sons in an auto repair shop. After a year of retirement and
               vital part of our Broward Health family and                         remodeling her Lighthouse Point home, she felt the need to get back to work and has
               they provide valuable services to our hospi-                        been with BHIP ever since. Now at 82 years of age, she says “the work is tough, but
               tal, our patients and their loved ones. They                        meeting people and helping them keeps me motivated.”
               make a difference in patient care and touch
               the lives of people in need every day.
                Volunteers donate their time and skills to  BY BEVERLY CAPASSO,                         HIALEAH HOSPITAL
               assist Broward Health caregivers in the    RN, BSN, MHA
               delivery of high-quality care to the South                         Aura Marina Galicia
               Florida community. When patients and their loved ones visit our health-
               care system, they encounter an extra layer of hospitality and attention
               thanks to these dedicated men and women.                             Aura Marina Galicia has been a volunteer at Hialeah
                During National Healthcare Volunteer Week, Broward Health celebrates  Hospital for eleven years. She is described as an
               the service and commitment of our hospital volunteers who provide thou-  extremely dedicated volunteer by the members of the
               sands of hours to our patients and work alongside our healthcare team,  information technology department at Hialeah Hospital.
               contributing to Broward Health’s culture of kindness and compassion.   Aura comes to volunteer five days a week at 84 years
                                                                                  old. Her attention to detail is a big asset to the depart-
                                                                                  ment at the hospital. She is considered to be honest,
                                                 Beverly Capasso, RN, BSN, MHA is
                                                                                  trust worthy and loyal. Aura is very well liked by all at
                                                 President/CEO of Broward Health.
                                                                                  the hospital. All the members of the departments she
                                                                                  volunteers for constantly praise and recognize her for
                                                                                  her work. She says that volunteering is the best and that everyone should do it.

                                                                                                       HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL

                                                                                  Bruce Voelkel
        Cover Story: Jupiter Medical Center
                                                                                    Bruce Voelkel joined Holy Cross as a volunteer after
        Auxiliary Provides Premier Support                                        he retired from being a school principal several years
                                                                                  ago. He started his volunteer career at the hospital’s
                                                                                  guest relations info desk in April 2012, and within a
        Continued from page 1                                                     year, he was hired to be a paid associate in the depart-
                                                                                  ment. Bruce did a wonderful job in guest relations until
          The work of our volunteers extends to many areas of the hospital, including welcom-
        ing and escorting guests; discharging patients; assisting patients and team members in  a health issue caused him to resign. But instead of
        clinical areas; providing support to families; serving as patient advocates; providing  “retiring” permanently, Bruce eventually came back to
        administrative assistance and much more.                                  Holy Cross as a volunteer, resuming his volunteer
          We also offer volunteer opportunities in the Jupiter Medical Center Gift Shop, which  duties at the info desk in August 2016. Bruce brings his
        is located on our main campus, and the newly renovated Jupiter Medical Center Thrift  extensive experience in customer service and working with others to his volunteer
        Shop, which is located at 205 Center Street in Jupiter. Volunteers also contribute time to  role. Pleasant, smart, compassionate and efficient, he helps makes Holy Cross visi-
        our Pastoral Care and Pet Therapy programs, as well as Motor Aid, our complimentary,  tors feel welcome while directing them to their destinations within the hospital. For
        non-emergency patient transportation service.                             all these reasons and more, Bruce was honored as Holy Cross Hospital’s Volunteer of
          Since our inception in 1976, the Auxiliary has raised $13.2 million for the benefit of  the Month last April.
        the hospital. A significant portion of our funds comes from our gift shop and our thrift
        shop. Combined, the two shops generated $600,000 in funds in the last fiscal year.
          The gift shop is not your typical hospital store with flowers and sundries, but rather a
        unique boutique experience. You can find jewelry, inspirational items, gifts to celebrate  NORTH SHORE MEDICAL CENTER
        the birth of a newborn, and much more. Thanks to outstanding support from generous
        donors and loyal shoppers, the thrift shop also generates an impressive annual revenue.  Doreen Barham
        The true driving support behind our success is our 100 incomparable volunteers who
        prepare merchandise for display and sale, assist customers, and help at the register.
          While the Auxiliary’s core focus is to support the hospital, we also have programs ded-  Doreen Barham has been a volunteer at North Shore
        icated to supporting members of our community. Our TeenAge Volunteer (TAV) pro-  Medical Center for the last two years. She is passionate
        gram offers high school students, ages 15-18, an opportunity to gain valuable career  about helping women, and that is why she is a volun-
        experience in the health care field. Each year, we award a select number of outstanding  teer at the Breast Center. She wants to help women that
        TAVs with a scholarship toward their first-year college expenses. We also welcome col-  come in to get their yearly mammograms or proce-
        lege students enrolled in a pre-medical, nursing or related health care program, as well  dures. She assists them by helping them fill out paper-
        as those who are taking prerequisite courses.                              work, walking them through the center, serving them
          The backbone of the Auxiliary is that all of our volunteers deeply wish to make a dif-  water or coffee or just being a person the patients can
        ference in our community. It’s no secret that spending time in a hospital, whether as a  lean on for comfort. All the members of the department
        patient or family member, can be a stressful experience. Whenever Jupiter Medical  respect her and enjoy seeing her smile. She says she
        Center volunteers have the opportunity to enhance the patient experience, they fully  looks forward to volunteering at North Shore Medical Center for many more years.
        embrace it and do all they can to support our patients and their loved ones.
          We are always looking for additional support, and those who may be interested in vol-
        unteering their time can learn more at

                                   Penny Heidtke is Jupiter Medical Center Auxiliary President.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                  April 2018                          27
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