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Accolades Accolades Accolades Accolades

        Partner Benton Curtis Honored                                             Martin Health Pediatric

        as Rising Legal Superstar                                                 Care Earns National
                                                                                  Recognition for
          Statewide law firm Broad and Cassel LLP announced that
        Benton Curtis was recently honored as a Rising Legal                      Patient-Centered Care
        Superstar by the Dade County Bar Association.
          A former federal prosecutor for 10 years, Curtis focuses
        his practice on white collar criminal and civil matters and                The three Martin Health Pediatric Care prac-
        complex civil litigation, government investigations and                   tices in Stuart, Jensen Beach and Port St. Lucie
        compliance counseling, with an emphasis in the health care                have received Patient-Centered Medical Home
        industry. He is a member of the firm’s Health Law and White  Benton Curtis  recognition from the National Committee for  Dr. Yvette Bushey is one of
        Collar Defense and Compliance practice groups.                            Quality Assurance (NCQA). The practices    seven pediatricians within Martin
          Prior to joining Broad and Cassel, Curtis served as an assistant chief for the  achieved the highest level as a patient-centered  Health Pediatric Care.
        Criminal Fraud Section of the United States Department of Justice, where he super-  medical home for using evidence-based, patient-
        vised investigations, prosecutions and resolutions in the Fraud Section’s Health Care  centered processes that focus on highly coordinated care and long term, participative
        Fraud Unit in multiple federal districts.                                 relationships.

        Broward Health Coral Springs’ Patient Care                                FIU College of Medicine Awarded
        Assistant Recognized as Shining Star                                      Full Accreditation for Maximum Term

                                                                                   Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine (HWCOM) has been awarded full accredi-
                                                                                  tation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) for the next eight
                                                                                  years, the maximum possible term.
                                                                                   “This is an exciting and important milestone for our college of medicine,” said FIU
                                                                                  President Mark B. Rosenberg. “It recognizes that we have an established and success-
                                                                                  ful program that is preparing outstanding physicians.”
                                                                                   The LCME is the accrediting body for medical schools in the United States and
                                                                                  Canada. Only graduates from LCME-accredited schools are eligible to apply for state
                                                                                  licensing boards and most residency programs in the U.S. As a relatively new school,
                                                                                  HWCOM was previously accredited for a period of 5 years. This was the first time it
                                                                                  was eligible to be considered for the maximum review cycle of eight years.

                                                                                  JFK Medical Center North Campus Critical Care
           (l-r) Jared Smith, CEO; Eileen O'Brien, CHRO; Carolyn Carter, CNO; Juan Arencibia
          Suarez PCA and shining star winner; Onel Rodriguez, CFO; Michael Leopold, COO and  Unit Recognized for Nursing Excellence
                          Felicia Svaighert,  Nurse Manager for 4 East
                                                                                   JFK Medical Center North Campus has earned the 2017 Unit of Distinction (UOD)
          Juan Arencibia Suarez, a patient care assistant (PCA) at Broward Health Coral  Award in an annual program that recognizes and rewards exemplary nursing units at
        Springs (BHCS), was recognized as the hospital’s quarterly Shining Star Award winner.  HCA Healthcare affiliate facilities.
        The Shining Star Award recognizes a Broward Health employee who exhibits the hos-  The “Unit of Distinction” designation is achieved through measurable, exemplary
        pital’s five-star values of accountability for positive outcomes; exceptional service to  performance in the strategic areas of Advocacy and Leadership, Consistency in
        the community; fostering an innovative environment; working as a collaborative orga-  Nursing Practice and Operations, and Leveraging Scale to Drive Performance. During
        nizational team; and valuing their employee family.                       2017, 820 HCA Nursing units participated in the program. Using 23 different criteria,
          “Working with Juan is a pleasure as he truly exemplifies the ‘star values ‘of BHCS,”  units were scored to determine which would receive the 2017 Unit of Distinction
        said Felicia Svaighert, Nurse Manager for 4 East at BHCS. “He is proactive in his work  honor, which earns them a spot in the Top 5% of all HCA Medical-Surgical and
        and patients are always his priority. They always acknowledge his hard work and  Critical Care hospital units. In addition to the UOD recipients, 35 additional units
        appreciate his smiles.”                                                   achieved scores ranking them within the Top 10% of all HCA Med-Surg and Critical
                                                                                  Care units, earning each an “Honorable Mention” designation.
        Delray Medical Center Named One of
        Healthgrades 2018 America’s 50 Best Hospitals                             Jupiter Medical Center Awarded Chest Pain
                                                                                  Certification from The Joint Commission
          Delray Medical Center receives the Healthgrades 2018 America’s 50 Best Hospitals
        Award™. The distinction makes Delray Medical Center one of the top 1% of more  Jupiter Medical Center has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval®
        than 4,500 hospitals assessed nationwide for its consistent, year-over-year superior  for Chest Pain Certification. The Gold Seal of Approval® is based on a rigorous eval-
        clinical performance as measured by Healthgrades. Delray Medical Center has made  uation of the staff’s ability to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients who may be expe-
        this list for the last 12 years, since the inception of the award.        riencing a heart attack. Upon survey, Jupiter Medical Center’s chest pain program was
                                                                                  in full compliance with The Joint Commission’s exacting quality and safety standards.
        Cape Coral Hospital Receives

        Prestigious International Award                                           Mount Sinai Medical Center Named One
                                                                                  of the Nation's 100 Top Hospitals
          Cape Coral Hospital is the first facility in Southwest Florida to receive prestigious
        international recognition as a Designated Baby-Friendly birth facility from Baby- By IBM Watson Health
        Friendly USA.
          Baby-Friendly USA, Inc. is the U.S. authority for the implementation of the Baby-  Mount Sinai Medical Center was named one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals by
        Friendly Hospital initiative (“BFHI”), a global program sponsored by the World  IBM Watson Health TM .  The Watson Health 100 Top Hospitals® study uses inde-
        Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). The  pendent and objective research including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
        initiative encourages and recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that offer an opti-  Services (CMS) Hospital Compare to analyze hospital and health system performance
        mal level of care for breastfeeding mothers and their babies. Based on the Ten Steps  in 11 areas, addressing: inpatient mortality; 30-day mortality rate; complications; core
        to Successful Breastfeeding, this prestigious international award recognizes birth facil-  measures; 30-day risk-adjusted readmission rate; severity-adjusted average length of
        ities that offer breastfeeding mothers the information, confidence, and skills needed  stay; mean emergency room throughput; inpatient expense per discharge; Medicare
        to successfully initiate and continue breastfeeding their babies.         spend per beneficiary; adjusted operating profit margin; and Hospital Consumer
                                                                                  Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) score (patient rating of
                                                                                  overall hospital performance).

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