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What’s New... What’s New... What’s New...

             Jupiter Medical                                                                    Delray Medical Center Performs

            Center Honors                                                                 First Robotic-Assisted Peripheral Vascular

              Its Leaders in                                                                       Intervention in the Country

              Philanthropy                                                         Delray Medical Center is the first hospital in the United States to perform the first
                                                                                  robotic-assisted peripheral vascular intervention procedure using the CorPath GRX
          Jupiter   Medical   Center                                              System. The procedure, performed by Dr. Joseph Ricotta, Medical Director of Vascular
        Foundation recently hosted its                                            Surgery and Endovascular Therapy for Tenet Healthcare, is the first American use of
        annual Leaders in Philanthropy  Nick, Jessica, Sara, Anthony, Nicholas Mastroianni,  this technology and brings robotic-assisted precision to both percutaneous coronary
        Dinner at Lost Tree Club. The                                             and percutaneous vascular interventional procedures.
        night honored the Foundation’s  Jennifer Genco, Audrey Mastroianni. Photo credits:  “This technology and the availability of this procedure will have significant benefits
        top donors whose philanthropy           Tracey Benson Photography         for those suffering from peripheral artery disease,” said Dr. Ricotta. “Advances in car-
        has helped to transform Jupiter Medical Center, as well as continue to allow the hospital  diac care like this will also help those in our community who are dealing with the
        to recruit the best physicians, acquire advanced medical technology, and build state-of-  effects on a daily basis, and will help them have a more productive and active life.”
        the-art facilities. Jupiter Medical Center Foundation has raised $135 million in the past
        three years toward a $300 million campaign. “Thanks to the generosity of these donors,
        we have transformed from a very good community hospital to a world-class, regional     JFK Medical Center-Main Campus
        medical center that spans from Stuart to West Palm Beach,” said Liv Vesely, president of
        Jupiter Medical Center Foundation. Honorees of the evening included Tim and Jayne    Performs First Live Broadcast Surgery
        Donahue who were acknowledged as Distinguished Grand Benefactors for their gracious
        gifts to the hospital. The Mastroianni Family Foundation was welcomed as a Grand  Howard Routman, D.O., Shoulder Specialist at JFK Medical Center- Main Campus and
        Benefactor, and Bert and Sallie Korman, along with nearly 50 other philanthropic fami-  President of Atlantis Orthopaedics in Palm Beach County, recently performed the hospi-
        lies, were recognized in front of the crowd as new Benefactors.           tals first live surgery.
                                                                                   One of only a select few surgeons to specialize in Reverse Shoulder Replacement in
                                                                                  South Florida, Dr. Routman performed South Florida’s first Reverse Shoulder
            Governor Signs Emergency Generator Legislation                        Replacement in 2003, as a part of an FDA trial, prior to the approval of the Reverse
                                                                                  Shoulder Replacement as an implant by the FDA in 2004.
          On March 26, 2018, Governor Rick Scott signed SB 7028 and HB 7099, which  Dr. Routman’s live surgery utilized computer assisted navigation equipment by
        makes permanent the emergency rules requiring every nursing home and ALF in  Exactech, also known as Guided Personalized Surgery (GPS). GPS allows surgeons to
        Florida to have emergency generators to keep residents safe. Governor Scott directed  perform the operation first on the computer, allowing critical decisions to be made dur-
        the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and the Florida  ing the virtual surgery. Then, utilizing the navigation equipment in the operating room,
        Department of Elder Affairs (DEA) to issue the emergency rules immediately follow-  the surgeon is able to reproduce the virtual surgery with a very high level of precision-
        ing the tragedy at the Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills during Hurricane  down to a millimeter.
        Irma last year. Florida is one of the first states in the nation to require emergency gen-  Lasting 45 minutes from start to finish, over 200 Shoulder Specialists were able to view
        erators at nursing homes and ALFs.                                        the surgery live, including real time moderation from Joseph Zuckerman, M.D., Chief of
                                                                                  Orthopaedic Surgery at the Hospital for Joint Disease at NYU Langone Medical Center
                                                                                  and Thomas Wright, M.D., Head of Shoulder Reconstruction at The University of Florida
                                                                                  via Current Concepts broadcasting.

                                                                                               University of Miami Health System

                                                                                                Announces New Bariatric Office

                                                                                                to Serve Palm Beach Community

                                                                                   The University of Miami Health System is proud to announce it is expanding its
                                                                                  award-winning bariatric surgery program to Palm Beach County, offering weight loss
                                                                                  surgery options to local residents and the greater physician community. Dr. Onur C.
                                                                                  Kutlu, a board-certified general surgeon and assistant professor at the Division of
                                                                                  Laparoendoscopic & Bariatric Surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine,
                                                                                  will be located at 3401 PGA Blvd., Suite 400, Palm Beach Gardens, beginning April 6,
                                                                                  2018. Patients will have access to bariatric procedures including, gastric lapband, gas-
                                                                                  tric sleeve and gastric bypass.

         28                       April 2018                                                                                                                                South Florida Hospital News
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