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★ ★    ★  Salute to                                                                                                                        ★
            ★ ★                                            Volunteers ★ ★

                                            MEMORIAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM

                     MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PEMBROKE                                           MEMORIAL REGIONAL HOSPITAL SOUTH

        Barbara Goldberger                                                        Fatima Silva

          For the past four years, Barbara Goldberger has put                      There is likely no peer at Memorial Regional Hospital
        “worthwhile hours” in as a volunteer at Memorial                          South that better understands what stroke survivors are
        Hospital Pembroke. She helps in pre-op two mornings a                     experiencing than Fatima Silva. Silva, a clinical social
        week, assisting with patient communication, paperwork,                    work registered intern, suffered a stroke at the age of 38
        and bringing food supplies to the area.                                   and now mentors others going through the same inpatient
          “My satisfaction comes from putting smiles on faces,”                   and outpatient rehabilitation she did. “I can relate to their
        said the retired X-ray technician. “I like meeting a variety              situation on so many levels, so I’m able to explain the jour-
        of people and making friends, so it’s much better than sit-               ney and answer questions.
        ting at home.”                                                             What I hope they’ll see in me is they don’t have to
          Goldberger worked for 43 years at hospitals in South                    accept their current fate and there can be a return to a
        Florida and found that she was bored in retirement. Given her long career in healthcare,  quality life after such a traumatic experience,” said Silva, a volunteer since 2015.
        it made perfect sense that she give her time and energy to Memorial Hospital Pembroke,  While she assists others, Silva is also helping herself, using her time at the hospital to
        a facility close to her home in Pembroke Pines. “People always say, ‘it’s nice that you do  test her body’s abilities as she plans a return to a career in social work. The slow and
        that,’ but I definitely get more out of it than I give to it.”            steady approach Silva learned during her own rehab at Memorial is paying dividends, for
                                                                                  herself and others working to go beyond what they may think are their limitations.
        Kristina Benoualid
                                                                                  Janet Sasoni
          During her time as a volunteer at Memorial Hospital
        Pembroke, Kristina Benoualid has learned something about                   For more than 11 years, Janet Sasoni has been a volun-
        herself. “I like to contribute to people’s lives. A small                 teer at Memorial Regional Hospital South, assisting the
        amount of time can make a big difference.”                                efforts of the Human Resources department. Most days
          Benoualid operates the coffee cart two days a week, pro-                that means filing and data entry, but she’s always willing to
        viding treats and refreshments to grateful patients and staff.            help “wherever I’m needed.” Sasoni also serves on two of
        Nursing stations are among her regular stops, where she                   the hospital’s committees, one focused on volunteers and
        caters to some of the busiest people at the hospital. “I                  the other on family and patient care.
        remember who likes what and try to provide personalized                    “I enjoy the camaraderie,” the Brooklyn native said. “All
        service,” said Benoualid, a student at Florida International              the people I come in contact with are friendly, nice, and
        University pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing                      very helpful.”
        (BSN) degree. She is especially interested in preventative care for chronic illnesses.   Sasoni has a long history with healthcare entities. She worked in the budget depart-
          Memorial Hospital Pembroke provides a wide scope of essential healthcare services in  ment at Mount Sinai Medical Center on Miami Beach for 20 years prior to coming to the
        a compassionate community setting. Its specialties include a bariatric/weight loss surgery  Memorial Healthcare System.
        program and wound healing center.                                          Her hospital, Memorial Regional Hospital South, is home to the Memorial
                                                                                  Rehabilitation Institute, South Florida’s largest provider of physical rehabilitation servic-
                                                                                  es. The facility specializes in treating patients that have lost limbs, had strokes, or suffered
                                                                                  traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries.

        Barbara Smith                                                                          MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MIRAMAR

          On the 8th floor of the mother/baby unit where she volun-
        teers, everyone knows the “Cookie Lady.”                                  Marjorie Warner
          She’s Barbara Smith, and in the six years the retired educator
        has spent at Memorial Regional Hospital, she’s made delivering             For Marjorie Warner, a volunteer for the past eight years
        “ooey, gooey, fresh, and chewy” treats her calling card. “I’m told        at Memorial Hospital Miramar, satisfaction comes from
        the number of patients in the unit, known as the ‘the happy               meeting and assisting the wide variety of people that come
        floor,’ and bake enough cookies for all the moms and dads.”               and go through the hospital’s front door.
          With more than 1,700 volunteer hours under her belt, Smith               “I may be the first or last person they see,” said the
        does more than just deliver cookies two days a week. She’s also           retired Miami-Dade School food service administrator.
        president of the Volunteer Auxiliary and recently implemented             “Some are nervous and apprehensive, some, especially the
        the “Each One Reach One” theme with the expectation of                    new moms and dads, are excited, but it’s rewarding to help
        increasing the number of adult volunteers in the Memorial                 them with whatever their situation may be.”
        Healthcare System. During her time as the group’s leader, Smith            In addition to working at the information desk, Warner
        is also focused on increasing board involvement and participation by members.  answers phones, accepts and delivers flowers, and discharges patients. She volunteers
                                                                                  twice a week and calls the staff and administration at Memorial Hospital Miramar “a
        Maitane Orue                                                              close-knit family.”

          What started as a way to get the required volunteer serv-               Millie Renedo
        ice time for graduation has become, four years and more
        than 525 hours later, a place where Maitane Orue has                       For nearly eight years, Millie Renedo has considered
        found a second family.                                                    herself an “ambassador” at Memorial Hospital Miramar.
          The teen from St. Thomas Aquinas High School started                    From her post at the information desk, she directs visitors,
        her volunteer career working with patient information at                  helps with the overflow of phone calls from the switch-
        Memorial Regional Hospital before moving to her current                   board, discharges patients, and accepts flower deliveries.
        place in its gift shop. Orue’s efforts earned her the 2018                She’s also proud of her ability to flow to wherever help is
        Robert Groeninger Memorial Regional Hospital Volunteer                    needed.
        Teen Scholarship, an award she’ll put toward her education                 “I approach everything with a smile and words of kind-
        at the University of Central Florida. There she’ll pursue an undergraduate degree that she  ness, that’s my life philosophy,” said Renedo. “I love volun-
        expects will lead her to law school.                                      teering and want to bring the best I can to what I do.”
          But Orue isn’t waiting for college to impact those around her. In addition to the volun-  Renedo is also part of the hospital’s Patient and Family Care Committee and enjoys the
        teer work at the hospital, she’s started a nonprofit, S.O.S. Countries Inc., that has already  impact she’s able to have within the healthcare system. She had been on-site in Miramar
        raised more than $10,000 to aid people in distress in Venezuela and Puerto Rico.   two days a week, before recently cutting back to one to help at home with a new grand-
                                                                                  child. “I’m a person that gets more happiness giving than receiving,” said Renedo.

         24                       April 2018                                                                                                                             South Florida Hospital News
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