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                ★  Salute to                                                                                                                        ★
            ★ ★                                            Volunteers ★ ★

                JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL                                                      CATHOLIC HOSPICE

        Jessica Amanambu                                                          Nilda Puchades

          Jessica Amanambu has spent more than 720 hours vol-                      After 45 years of marriage, Nilda Puchades’ husband
        unteering within the Memorial Healthcare System, but                      passed away at the Hospice in St. Catherine’s West. She
        that’s nothing compared to the time she ultimately wants                  is so grateful to the team that took care of him during
        to spend at hospitals. The teenager, a student at Miami                   his stay that she chose the same Catholic Hospice unit
        Lakes Educational Center, has plans to pursue a career in                 to volunteer. “I like to be able to help the family mem-
        medicine as a cardiothoracic surgeon.                                     bers to accept the situation in which they’re in. Many
          Amanambu currently works with nurses, patient care                      are initially in denial, which is to be expected. The best
        assistants, and secretaries at Memorial Regional Hospital                 help is from someone that has been in their place. My
        and serves on the Youth Advisory Council at Joe DiMaggio                  husband died young, at 67- only a year after the diag-
        Children’s Hospital. The teens plan events for kids and sit               nosis. I identify with the wives, which at our age, our
        in on meetings that focus on the expansion of the children’s hospital to eight floors.   parents are usually gone, and the children are grown. I lost it all and this has helped
          Amanambu was one of the winners of the 2018 Robert Groeninger Memorial Regional  me to rebuild my life,” are the words that Nilda, our 3-time awardee of Volunteer of
        Hospital Volunteer Teen Scholarship. She is hoping to use the award dollars at  the Year, uses to describe why she drives from Miami Shores to St. Catherine’s West to
        Northeastern University, her preferred first stop in a college career she hopes will land  help the families of the patient’s through this difficult time.
        her in the operating room.
                                                                                  Maria de las Mercedes Arias
        Marteen Longo
                                                                                   “I really love being a volunteer and I feel that my life
          Many people don’t know there is a Family Resource Center                has worth here, because I can be helpful to other people.
        (also known as a library) at Joe DiMaggio Children’s                      The atmosphere in Catholic Hospice is of compassion
        Hospital. Even fewer know that organizing the materials                   and that is what is the most valuable to me,” are the
        within it for more than two years has been the pet project of             words that Maria de las Mercedes Arias, better known as
        volunteer Marteen Longo.                                                  Mercy, uses to express how she feels about her volun-
          Longo, who spent 35 years, some of it as a media specialist,            teerism. She came from Cuba to Miami in December of
        in the Miami-Dade public school system, is known as the                   2015 and has been with Catholic Hospice since this
        “book lady” by parents and kids who use the resource center.              January. At the age of 40 along with her sister, they
        “I’m there is someone wants to talk, have a cookie, or cup of             became the sole caretakers to their mom, Pilar, for 22
        coffee. If I can use the skills I have to offer to relieve some of        years. Mercy learned that caring with Love and Compassion are of the most impor-
        their stress, we’ll all be better for the interaction.”                   tance. As she has gotten to know who Catholic Hospice is, and the patient’s that we
          Longo volunteers at the children’s hospital one day a week              help, Mercy has felt deep gratitude in knowing that what her sister and she did for
        and has found her niche in the resource center after previous-            their mom just by instinct were the right things to do.
        ly helping on the 3rd and 4th floors.
                                                                                                    MARTIN HEALTH SYSTEM
                             MEMORIAL MANOR
                                                                                 Carolyn Michaud
        Jana Thomas
                                                                                   Soon after joining the Martin Health Auxiliary in
                                                                                 2006, Carolyn Michaud became the coordinator of the
          For nearly three decades, Jana Thomas has been bring-
        ing therapy dogs to Memorial Manor. She estimates 20                      Martin Health Thrift Shop which is located in Stuart.
        dogs have volunteered alongside her during that time,                     She has held for the position for nearly 12 years, and
        providing unconditional love to elderly clients receiving                 spends close to 25 hours a week in the store.
        long-term care and short-term rehabilitative services.                     A retired nurse, this is the second foray into retail
          “Many of the permanent residents look forward to see-                   management for Michaud. She had previously co-man-
        ing my dogs on Wednesdays,” said Thomas, a member                         aged a thrift store in New Jersey that benefited a local
        and tester/observer for the Alliance of Therapy Dogs.                     charity.
                                                                                   Since taking over the Martin Health Thrift Shop,
        “Petting an animal is therapeutic and there have been                     Michaud has helped significantly increase the store’s revenues, which support the
        patients previously unwilling or unable to move their
        arms that reached out to my dogs when they entered the                    Auxiliary’s fundraising efforts.
                                                                                   She has been joined in this effort by her husband, Bill Michaud, former president
        room.”                                                                    of the Martin Health Auxiliary. He oversees the shop’s EBay sales while also helping
          Thomas’ special brand of pet medicine has been practiced by at least 50 dogs through-
        out Memorial Healthcare System and she started the therapy programs at Memorial  with paperwork and cleaning and prepping items for sale.
                                                                                   Both are members of the Stuart Rotary Club and enjoy meeting people and getting
        Hospital West and Memorial Hospital Miramar. Thomas says any breed of dog can be
        trained for therapy, as long as it likes people, is comfortable sitting without getting dis-  to know their steady customers.
        tracted, and, most importantly, has a gentle temperament.                  “We’ll keep doing this until we can’t anymore,” Carolyn Michaud said.

        Pinkie Graham                                                             Roland Gaudreau

                                                                                   After retiring from a long career at General Motors,
          Spreading the word of the Lord to those interested in
        hearing it has been the motivation that’s kept Pinkie                     Roland Gaudreau of Port St. Lucie knew he couldn’t sit
        Graham returning to Memorial Manor twice a month for                      still for long. While he swims and works out in the gym,
        the past 26 years. “We read scripture from the Bible and                  Gaudreau needed to do more. So, 11 years ago he started
        offer prayer to the residents who would like for my team                  volunteering.
        to share with them. It’s a pleasure to do and uplifting for                Gaudreau joined the Martin Health Auxiliary where he
        the clients,” said Graham, a member of Jesus People                       serves as chairman of the courtesy cart drivers for the
        Ministries Church International.                                          health care system’s St. Lucie West location. Gaudreau
          It’s those receiving long-term care that Graham has most                coordinates the schedule for six drivers. He can be found
        connected with, especially individuals that don’t have fam-               driving the cart every Monday morning.
                                                                                   He also works one day a week as a Citizen on Patrol volunteer for the Martin
        ily. She says her volunteer time is rewarding, fun, and the best way she knows to give  County Sheriff Department. Gaudreau patrols the Hutchinson Island beaches along
        back in the community. “Both the patients and I get joy and warmth from the interaction.
        Sometimes it’s just letting them know there’s someone who cares.”         the ocean and Indian River Lagoon.
                                                                                   “I love helping people,” he said. “I meet people from all walks of life and each of
          Graham, a Pembroke Pines resident, is joined on the JPMCI team by Dorothy Brown
        and Jackie Johnson.                                                       them has a story to tell. I really enjoy that.”

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