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★ ★    ★  Salute to                                                                                                                        ★
            ★ ★                                            Volunteers ★ ★

                   GOOD SAMARITAN MEDICAL CENTER                                                    DELRAY MEDICAL CENTER

        Marlene Duchatellier                                                      Lenore Katz

          Marlene Duchatellier decided to become a hospital                         Lenore Katz had to be coaxed into volunteering by
        volunteer at Good Samaritan Medical Center because of                     her daughter-in-law who’s a nurse. She’s certainly glad
        the way she can help patients and their loved ones when                   she made the decision to volunteer at Delray Medical
        they come to the hospital.  In a way, she says she is doing               Center. For nearly a year, Lenore has come to the hos-
        it to honor her late mother, who once was hospitalized                    pital to try and bring a little joy to patients who may
        and had volunteers help her with the care she needed                      not have much to look forward to. As Lenore puts it,
        when she was a patient.  Marlene worked in the banking                    she tries to lift their spirits, comfort them and allow
        industry for many years and was a customer service rep-                   them to focus on something other than their stay in the
        resentative.   She says always being in contact with dif-                 hospital. Lenore enjoys hearing how the patients are
        ferent people was a very rewarding experience, and it                     feeling and also likes to hear how she can make the
        carries over into her job today of being a volunteer.  Whenever someone thanks  patient experience better. She feels each patient she meets is like having a new friend
        Marlene for volunteering her time at the hospital, she always responds with the same  in your life.
        answer, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do something that I enjoy and
        feel good about.”                                                         Chuck Pisciotta

        Arlene Bick                                                                 Chuck Pisciotta can easily recall his most memorable
                                                                                  moment as a volunteer at Delray Medical Center. It was
          Arlene Bick has been volunteering at Good Samaritan                     with a patient who told him about her story to leave
        Medical Center for 20 years.  She is a familiar face to the               Haiti and work for 22 years at a hospital in Detroit,
        staff at the hospital and is always lending a warm smile                  Michigan cleaning bedpans. She beamed about how she
        and good conversation to anyone she encounters.                           was able to bring up her daughter and was so apprecia-
        Arlene works at the information desk and in the waiting                   tive of the job she had so she could give her daughter a
        room helping loved ones who may have someone get-                         better life. Chuck spoke to this woman for hours and
        ting a surgical procedure.  Being able to volunteer at                    felt enlightened to live an even better life after his con-
        Good Samaritan is particularly interesting to Arlene                      versation with her. When Chuck retired from the cor-
        because of the history behind volunteering at the oldest                  porate world nearly 10 years ago, he was shocked to find how many non-profit organ-
        hospital in Palm Beach County.  Arlene has no plans to give up volunteering as she  izations there were supporting senior citizens. Coming to Delray Medical Center
        feels it’s the most rewarding experience you could ever have.             seemed like the perfect fit, and now he has been at the hospital helping patients for
                                                                                  nearly two years. Chuck says he also volunteers because it gives him a platform to
                                                                                  help patients and volunteers understand they should not let anything in their lives
                                                                                  steal joy from them.

                 VITAS Celebrates Its Selfless Volunteers

                 While VITAS is delighted National Volunteer
                 Week runs from April   -2 , we cherish our
                 priceless volunteer workers year-round.

                 Like all our hospice team members, our volunteers
                 are dedicated to patient-centered care:

                 • Paw-Pal® visits    • Sewing Memory Bears

                 • Reading            • Friendly phone calls

                 • Outings            • Clerical jobs
                 • Celebrating        • Reminiscing

                 The caring exemplified by VITAS
                 volunteers deserves to be highlighted
                 and appreciated 365 days a year!

                           SINCE 1980

         20                       April 2018                                                                                                                                South Florida Hospital News
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