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                As Congress and the Trump administration              SPEAKERS INCLUDE

                consider various paths forward for U.S. health                      Richard Pollack                       Benjamin A. Breier
                                                                                    President and CEO                     President and CEO
                care reform, the Miami Business School, will                        American Hospital                     Kindred Healthcare
                host the seventh in its series of premier health

                care conferences, The Business of Health
                                                                                    Halee Fischer-                        Pamela Cipriano
                Care: What’s Next?                                                  Wright, MD                            President
                                                                                    President and CEO                     American Nurses Association
                                                                                    America’s Health Insurance
                Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear                          Plans

                from some of the nation’s top industry
                                                                                    Patrick Geraghty                      Charles Alston
                and policy leaders on the implications of                           Chief Executive Offi cer               Senior Vice President, Market
                                                                                    Guide Well Mutual Holding             Executive Healthcare & Institutions
                widespread changes to the U.S. health care                                                                Southeast, Global Commercial Banking,
                                                                                                                          Bank of America – Merrill Lynch
                system on business and government.

                                                                                    Drew Altman, MD                       Donna Shalala
                Discussion topics will center around trends,                        President and CEO                     Former President and Trustee
                                                                                    Henry J. Kaiser Family                Professor of Political Science
                possibilities, and opportunities around U.S.                        Foundation                            And Health Policy
                                                                                                                          University of Miami
                health care reform.

                                                                         FOR MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION,

                                                   PRESENTING SPONSOR                                   CHAIRMAN SPONSOR

                                       EXECUTIVE SPONSORS                                                    PARTNER SPONSORS

                                  ASSOCIATE SPONSOR                 FRIEND SPONSORS                           MEDIA SPONSORS

                              FOR SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES PLEASE CONTACT: Marli Lutz at or 305-284-5347

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