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Florida HFMA Chapter

                                                                                                 Seeks New Members
           “ You can’t separate the clinical
            and the fi nancial – not anymore.”                                      The Florida Chapter of the Healthcare
                                                                                  Financial Management Association
                                  People who know Healthcare, know BDO.           (HFMA) is seeking new members. The
                                                                                  link    to    join    HFMA      is
                                                                                    Membership Fees for new members
                                                                                  are as follows:
                                                                                    Physician Group Personnel  (April
                                                                                  2018 – May 2019): $155 (14 months)
                                                                                    Health Plans (April 2018 – May 2019):
                                                                                  $155 (14 months)
                                                                                    Healthcare Faculty (April 2018 – May
                                                                                  2019): $155 (14 months)
                                                                                    All Others (April 2018 – May 2019):            Mike Bickers
                                                                                  $385 (14 months)
                                                                                    Florida HFMA is the largest HFMA   lenges, healthcare cost containment, rev-
                                                                                  chapter in the nation with over 1,400  enue cycle management best practices,
                                                                                  members on average. Our provider mem-  and financial planning.
                                                                                  bers include individuals from hospitals,  • Get access to HFMA’s webinars.
                                                                                  physician practices, and everything in
            The BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence & Innovation                                                       •Monitor comment letters on pro-
                                                                                  between. Our business partner (vendor)  posed regulations and obtain concise
            As the healthcare industry enters an era of unprecedented transformation, anticipating and   members represent companies that pro-  summaries of final regulations.
            understanding the future state model of healthcare is more important than ever. From advising on   vide solutions, technology and services
            complex joint ventures, to M&A services, to healthcare redesign, BDO’s multidisciplinary teams help   to all of our provider members. We host  •Network and connect through
            organizations plan for and implement the fi nancial and clinical changes needed to transform their   three statewide conferences each year,  National and Chapter volunteer oppor-
            institutions — and thrive in the years to come.                                                            tunities and meetings.
                                                                                  along with numerous regional events   •Leverage    industry   expertise,
            Alfredo Cepero, Managing Partner,                     across the state.                    resources, and best practices to affect
            Angelo Pirozzi, Partner,                               We have two exciting statewide meet-  industry transformation.
            BDO USA, LLP, 100 SE 2nd St. Suite 1700 Miami, FL 33131 / 305-381-8000  ings planned during the next 6 months.  • Find answers, tools, and tips by topic
                                                                                  The first is our Spring Conference and  using HFMA’s digital Knowledge Center
                @BDOHealth                        Annual Meeting in St. Petersburg, FL  and website.
                                                                                  May 20-23, 2018. The second is our Fall
            Accountants  |  Advisors  |  Doctors                                                                        •Support career development and
                                                                                  Conference that will take place at a new
                                                                                       advancement through education and cer-
                                                                                  venue, Margaritaville, in Hollywood  tifications.
            © 2018 BDO USA, LLP. All rights reserved.
                                                                                  Beach, FL! The dates for the Fall
                                                                                  Conference are September 16-18, 2018.  I hope you will take this opportunity
                                                                                  Members receive a significant discount  to join the HFMA and see for yourself
                                                                                  off registration fees.                   what you have been missing.
                                                                                    On Sunday May 20, leading into our    If you have any questions, please
                                                                                  Spring Conference, we will host a        feel free to call or e-mail me.
                                                                                  Member Engagement Summit designed
                                                                                  for new and current volunteers to come
                                                                                  together and learn about everything   Mike Bickers
                                                                                  HFMA. This is the perfect venue for new  President, FL HFMA 2017-2018
                                                                                  members wishing to get actively       E-Mail:
                                                                                  involved with Chapter activities.     Phone: (404) 915-3245
                                                                                    Benefits of being a member:         Florida HFMA Website:
                                                                                    • Stay informed on the latest updates
                                                                                  and trends.                           National HFMA Website:
                                                                                    • Gain insight into leadership chal-

                                                                                       Plaza Health Network Launches

                                                                                            Advanced Respiratory Care

                                                                                                Program at Arch Plaza

                                                                                    As part of its ongoing mission to provide high quality, sub-acute care to adults and sen-
                                                                                  iors in the South Florida community, Plaza Health Network has launched an advanced,
                                                                                  inpatient respiratory care program that provides treatment, rehabilitation and education
                                                                                  to patients with complex respiratory conditions. The program is available at Arch Plaza,
                                                                                  located in North Miami, and will continue to roll out at the other six Plaza Health
                                                                                  Network centers throughout Miami-Dade County over the course of 2018.
                                                                                    Patients with complex respiratory conditions -such as chronic obstructive pulmonary
                                                                                  disease (COPD), pneumonia, lung disease and those who are ventilator or tracheostomy
                                                                                  dependent- are cared for by respiratory therapists who coordinate with nursing and reha-
                                                                                  bilitation staff to provide enhanced and advanced pulmonary care. The team is also
                                                                                  focused on the patient’s continual care once they have transitioned from skilled nursing
                                                                                  center to home by teaching them the necessary skills that would enable them to function
                                                                                  independently, and avoid unnecessary hospital readmissions.
                                                                                    The interdisciplinary respiratory care team at Arch Plaza, where this program first
                                                                                  launched, includes pulmonologists, respiratory therapists, nurses with specialized train-
                                                                                  ing in ventilator and tracheostomy care, physical, occupational and speech therapists,
                                                                                  nutritionists, social workers and care managers.  The program is in the process of assist-
                                                                                  ing patients that have entered Arch Plaza on a ventilator and have moved down to a tra-
                                                                                  cheostomy. From there, the nursing and rehab staff have been able to assist patients in
                                                                                  successfully eating, speaking and breathing on their own again before being discharged
                                                                                  to their homes.

         14                        April 2018                                                                                                                                South Florida Hospital News
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