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Health Insurance & Healthcare:

                                                                  A Direct Primary Care Perspective

                                               Most Americans often mistake health insur-                      companies have less expensive claims to deal with
                      MEDICAL DIVISION       ance for health care. Studies show that most                      such as ER visits and possible hospitalizations
                                             health care consumers lack the basic under-                       which ultimately drives down cost and increase
                                             standing of how health insurance works.                           the quality of care of the beneficiaries in the insur-
                                             Navigating the terms and coverage explana-                        ance plans. DPC also encourages policymakers to
                                             tions can be very confusing. In addition to not                   allow health insurers to continue to design poli-
           What is Financial Planning
           Wha  t is Financial Plaanning
                                             understanding how traditional health plans                        cies that support consumers who seek to enroll in
               to Coastal W   ealth?
                                             work, and its nomenclatures such as premiums,                     a DPC program.
               Helping you achieve
                                             deductibles, and co-pays; consumers are over-
                    your goals               whelmed with the many choices in the market,                      DPC's Impact on Hospitals:
               with accoun  tability!        which leads them to make poor decisions.                           Hospitals would see cost savings as well since
                                               This confusion among consumers is especial-                     studies have already shown a decrease in the inap-
                                             ly significant as we introduce a new delivery                     propriate use of emergency rooms and urgent care
                                             model into our nation's healthcare debate.  BY DR. SIDNEY COUPET,  facilities by uninsured patients. Chronic disease
                                             Direct Primary Care (DPC), is on the list of  DO, MPH, MSC        management has also improved where there are
                                             health innovations that lead to high-value pri-                   decreased sentinel events and improper utilization
                                             mary care for consumers around the country. During our  of emergency rooms such as readmissions to the hospitals with-
                                             nation's ongoing debate on health care, it will be increasingly  in 90 days.
                                             more important for us to make the clear distinction to our con-  Hospital systems would have the opportunity to identify
                                             sumers and healthcare professionals that DPC agreements  services for their uninsured and underinsured populations.
                                             between healthcare professionals and their patients are mistak-  Hospitals would have a place to care for their numerous high-
                                             en for as insurance. The importance is evident with the passing  risk underinsured individuals who would have access to a
                                             of the new state legislation (SB 80 and HB 37) on March 2018  provider that would deliver necessary and timely services upon
                                             that specifies that DPC agreements are not insurance. The State  discharge.
                                             of Florida has now joined 23 other States in this movement.
                                                                                                    The DPC Health Policy Value Proposition:
                                             What Is DPC?                                             The Affordable Care Act has already demonstrated that
                   (954) 625-1515              DPC is a delivery model that allows patients to manage their  increasing insurance coverage to people led to an increase in
            WWW  . CASEYSJOHNSON   C .  OM   primary and preventative healthcare services outside the tradi-  accessing health care which resulted in an improvement of a
                                             tional health insurance model. DPC enables patients to pay an  wide range of health outcomes.

                                                affordable membership fee to their primary care professional  Although multiple studies have shown the health benefits of
                                  i si          (usually on a monthly basis) that allows them complete and  merely having insurance coverage, we also know that quality
             ci al   p           gr            d  direct access to their doctor. They can call, text and video chat  care does not stop there. There is an opportunity to evaluate the
           r   a
                                             their doctor at any time while having unlimited office visits  impact of DPC coverage +Insurance coverage in our state as a
                n              o M
           f  a          a     dc               with no co-pay. Patients can spend significantly more time with  way to reduce our cost and increase the quality of the primary
           r r r  esenntaaattaatn  t t t  ecuc
            rvivvi vici ice  d t  u  e  o         their doctor (30-60minutes) that allows them to get their ques-  care services provided. It is our responsibility as healthcare pro-
                 M     .  S
                                             tions answered while their primary care providers have the time  fessionals to make a clear distinction between health care and
                                             to manage their complex conditions. Patients also have access  health insurance as they are not synonymous but most impor-
                                             to low-cost lab and radiology tests as well as wholesale pricing  tantly to identify permanently that DPC is health care with
                                             on generic medications. Subsequently, this allows patients who  multiple benefits. As we work together to achieve High-Value
             A Special Thank                 are enrolled in a DPC practice to have increased satisfaction  care in our community, there will be an increasing need for this
                                                                                                    distinction as well as innovations such as DPC.
                                             while saving more money in their pockets, specifically those
                                             consumers with a high deductible plan.
            You to the March                                                                                       DPC in Our Community:
                                             DPC's Impact on Insurance:                               DPC coverage + Insurance coverage is a way to increase high-
            2018 Host of the                   DPC coverage is intended to work with insurance coverage  value care according to Dr. Sidney Coupet the Founder and CEO
                                             while driving down cost and increasing the quality of care. DPC  of SPARK Health Inc., and Coupet Quality Clinic. With offices in
               South Florida                 does not cover catastrophic incidences such as a heart attack or  North Lauderdale and Plantation, he is driving cost down further
                                                                                                    and supporting local Hospitals in care coordination for high-risk
                                             cancer. DPC coverage allows patients to get services without
                                             using their deductibles on their insurance coverage. Patients  populations as well as the uninsured and underinsured patients.
                 Healthcare                  save money by using their DPC program. They benefit directly
                                             from the unlimited access to their providers without co-pay, the    For more information, call (786) 207-4788 or visit
           Networking Group                  low-cost tests, and the wholesale priced medications. Insurance            

                                                                          Time for a Paradigm Shift

                                                                in the Classification of Muscle Injuries
                                               Current grading systems for muscle injuries
             COMMUNITY LIFE                  may not provide clinicians with enough informa-                    describe or determine the prognosis of a specific
                                                                                                                injury.” Injury classification helps to describe an
                & INPATIENT                  tion to guide athletes on when they can return to                  injury while a grade indicates the severity of an
                                             their respective sports with minimal risk of re-                   injury. Most athletes and coaches are concerned
                    CENTER                   injury. That’s the finding of an article co-authored               with the severity of an injury as it relates to the
                                             by Thomas M. Best, M.D., Ph.D., Research                           length of time it may take to return to full sports
                                             Director at the University of Miami Sports                         participation. The use of radiology can quickly
              For information about          Medicine Institute, and published in the Journal                   correlate clinical findings with imaging charac-
               our next meeting of           of Sports and Health Science in 2017.                              teristics that help establish early categorical radi-
                                               The purpose of this study was to discuss the                     ological grading systems.
                     SFHNG,                  fact that current grading systems for muscle                         While most sports medicine physicians rely on
                                             injuries provide clinicians with little information                MRI to guide athletes when projecting time loss
                    please email
                                             on which to guide the athlete regarding project-                   from a sport, this study argues that a new classi-
                     charles@                ed time loss and return to sport. . The authors  Dr. Thomas M. Best  fication system of muscle injuries need to be
       found that each of the new classification and                      developed in order to better inform athletes of
                                             grading systems have strengths, but there remains little una-  their prognosis, as well as help physicians accurately diagnose,
                                             nimity on a system that is both comprehensive and evidence-  manage, and prognosticate.
                                             based.                                                   “While the ability to predict return to play is an expectation
                                               “Muscle injuries remain one of the most common injuries in  placed upon practitioners working with athletes, there is still
                                             sports,” said Best, who is also a professor of orthopaedics at the  incomplete evidence upon which to base decisions,” said Best.
                                             University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. “Yet despite  Dr. Best is part of an international consortium leading this
                                             this, there is little consensus on how to either effectively  effort.
         16                        April 2018                                                                                                                                South Florida Hospital News
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