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DCOTA  I 1855 Griffin Road, Suite A-415   I Dania Beach   I Florida  I 33004
                                                                                       954.964.1660      I
         A message from

         our President                                                            Use of Artificial Intelligence

                                                                                        (AI) Technology in the
        Where Is Healthcare Headed in 2018?
                                                                                          Cybersecurity Field
          One of the great things about this job is that I get reports
        and articles from many corners of healthcare. One report that               The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the cyber-
        I look forward to is prepared by PwC Health Research                      security field is not something new. We often use AI in security
        Institute which examines current trends and attempts to iden-             systems without knowing it. For example, spam applications
        tify what the top industry issues will be for the year.                   are using AI technology to understand the content of emails to
          Entitled, “Top health industry issues of 2018: A year for               distinguish between good and bad e-mails. Also, threat intelli-  By Silka Gonzalez
        resilience amid uncertainty,” researchers look from the 20,000            gent systems are often using data mining and AI technology to analyze cyber threats.
        foot level at hot and trending healthcare issues. While there             Furthermore, data mining tools extract valuable information from systems and AI tech-
        are 12 issues that PwC covers in its report, I want to share              nology uses such extracted information to improve the systems own understanding of
        some of the information they assembled on the first four.                 the data and its performance. Nevertheless, AI technology is still not widely spread.
          First, and I think that most people are now in agreement,                 In the past, hackers were mostly isolated individuals who wanted to demonstrate their
        the opioid crisis is a full blown public health emergency. For            skills bypassing the security controls of organizations or activists fighting for specific
        adults in the United States younger than 50, it is the leading            causes. But, today hackers are well-organized. Now hacking is a profitable endeavor with
        cause of death! No longer are traffic crashes the major taker of  Jaime Caldwell  many resources (manpower, money, technology, governments) that are not an even
        life. Prescription opioids were responsible for almost half of            match to most organizations. Their attacks are becoming more sophisticated, creative,
        the 64,000 deaths in that age range in 2016. What researchers concluded is that it is  and difficult to prevent.
        going to take considerable refinement of population health determinates and reaching  For instance, imagine a network that can dynamically change its configurations to
        out to other community programs to make a difference. Acting independently will not  evade or prevent attacks from hackers. This level of control could be achieved by using
        solve the problem.                                                        Big Data, AI, Software Defined Networking (SDN), Intent-Based Networking Systems
          What they also focus on is the way we currently treat chronic pain. What I didn’t know  (IBNS), and virtualization. Also, the power of quantum computers can use AI technol-
        is that one out of every four patients treated using opioids for chronic pain “struggles  ogy in the cybersecurity field in ways we cannot imagine yet.
        with addiction.” Aetna has implemented a five-year plan to improve the way we treat  In the future, AI technology can be used in many different ways to improve the sales
        chronic pain, determine how to reduce the amount of opioids currently being pre-  process, methods, and resources used by the sales function of organizations. For
        scribed, and provide more support to patients experiencing an opioid use disorder.  instance, AI technology can be used to constantly analyze types of trends in the industry,
          Second, population health is here to stay. Greater emphasis is going to be placed on  competitors’ activities, and digital initiatives, social media data, customer behavioral pat-
        identifying which social determinates affect utilization patterns, which influence seeking  terns, cybersecurity, and trends in sales to better adapt the sales of products and services
        of preventive services, and changing the way people seek emergent/primary care from  for organizations.
        hospital emergency departments to lower cost alternatives. In this case, as is the case  Also, the use of AI technology and cybersecurity will be a major priority for sales and
        with opioids, it is a community challenge and not only a hospital challenge.  company growth in the future. Protecting customer information and sales information
          Third, something that Florida has worked toward developing is greater price trans-  with cybersecurity will be critical for organizations. As cyber threats are changing con-
        parency (this will be a subject of an SFHHA program later this year). Across the country,  stantly, AI technology can be used to analyze the ever-changing landscape of cyber
        states are becoming more active in trying to influence price increases. Some states are  threats to ensure organizations can be more secure and maintain customer trust.
        actively trying to control prices while others are requiring very visual reporting of signif-  Such level of technology will provide organizations with the ability to be more com-
        icant price increases. A significant number of these initiatives are focused on prescription  petitive, efficient, effective, and profitable. Organizations will be collecting a massive vol-
        price increases, but, many states are focusing on their hospitals providing more clarity  ume of information that AI and cyber technology can analyze and filter to be used and
        with respect to hospital costs.                                           sold to third parties using different types of business models. Additionally, the use of AI
          And, fourth, and the theme for our 2018 SFHHA Healthcare Summit, the development  technology, on-going analysis of data, and the introduction of new emerging technolo-
        of emergency management and response plans for responding to natural disasters. What  gies will create new services and products for organizations that will create new sources
        became evident after Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria is that hospitals can experience  of sales and revenue.
        interruption of their supply chain, interruption of their revenue cycle, damaged physical  We can expect that the future increased use of AI technology will transform healthcare
        plants, displaced workers, and a whole host of other factors. We have become compla-  organization’s systems architecture, hardware, software, applications, cybersecurity, and
        cent in the ten years of calm leading up to 2017 and hospital and post acute care  ultimately the sales field.
        providers will be taking more time and spending more resources to prepare for the next  Silka Gonzalez is the founder and president of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM).
        disaster.                                                                    The content of this article was developed by ERM. For additional information, please
          This is a great report and I highly recommend it for a quick read.
                                                                                    contact ERM at (305) 447-6750 or or visit
                         2018 BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                          IN MEMORY OF

                          CHAIRMAN: David Wagner, Kindred South Florida Market CEO
                     VICE CHAIRMAN: Mark Doyle, Chief Executive Officer, Memorial Hospital Pembroke
              SECRETARY: William "Bill" Duquette, Chief Executive Officer, Homestead Hospital, Baptist Health South Florida  Enrique Vicens-
                    TREASURER: Charles Felix, Publisher, South Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report
                IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR: Chantal Leconte, Chief Executive Officer, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital  Rivera, JD, MHSA
                  AT-LARGE: Ben Riestra, Chief Administrative Officer, UHealth’s Lennar Foundation Medical Center
                            AT-LARGE: Joel Wherley, Chief Operating Officer, VITAS
                                                                                       It is with great sadness and regret
              Doug Bartel, MBA       Patricia Greenberg      Patrick Taylor, MD
          Sr. Director of Business Development, Media  President  Chief Executive Officer   that we announce the passing of
               and External Relations  National Healthcare Associates  Holy Cross Hospital
                 Florida Blue                                                           Enrique Vicens-Rivera, Chief
                                 Ralph A. Marrinson, NHA, FACHA  Steven Ullmann       Executive Officer of HealthSouth
             Wael Barsoum, M.D.           President              Director
               Chief Executive Officer  Marrinson Group     University of Miami Health Policy  Miami, and South Florida Hospital
              Cleveland Clinic Hospital                         Management
                                       Lincoln Mendez                                 and Healthcare Association Board
                Kevin Conn             Chief Executive Officer  Ana M. Viamonte Ros, M.D.   Member. He was an invaluable
           Regional Vice President of Operations  South Miami Hospital  Medical Director for Palliative Care
              HEALTHSOUTH Corporation                           and Bioethics            member of the SFHHA Board
                                      Charles Michelson      Baptist Health South Florida  of Directors, esteemed colleague
                Darcy Davis               Partner
               Chief Executive Officer  Saltz Michelson Architects                      and good friend to all in the
          Health Care District of Palm Beach County
                                    Aristides (Ardy) Pallin                                healthcare community.
              Michael Gittelman       Chief Operating Officer
               Chief Executive Officer  Catholic Health Services
             Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

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