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Broward Health Coral Springs                                       Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center

                        Hosted a Teddy Bear Clinic                                       Opens New Pharmacy in Hospital
                    at Seton Ridge Children's Center

            Broward Health Coral Springs (BHCS) recently hosted a Teddy Bear Clinic at
          Seton Ridge Children's Center in Coral Springs. This is part of the hospital’s initia-
          tive to help educate children and desensitize them if they ever have to encounter
          any medical procedures. To help mimic a hospital setting, the school’s imagination  Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center recently opened up a new pharmacy in
          room was set up to look like a hospital where children received the full experience.   the hospital as part of its OR renovations. The larger space will also allow better
            The event is designed to introduce children to the clinical setting of a doctor's  utilization of ensuring IV preparation free of bacterial, viral and fungal contam-
          office, a clinic, or a hospital in a non-threatening way.                ination. Pictured (l-r): Tim Howard CHRO, Alex Masmela COO, Dianne
            Pediatric nurses from BHCS worked with approximately 200 preschoolers who  Goldenberg CEO, Howard Brown CFO, Elvisina Tse, Registered Pharmacy
          brought in their “sick” teddy bears and visited a variety of interactive stations that  Technician, John Brisby, Clinical Coordinator, Kristy White, Clinical
          were set up to mimic registration, triage, X-rays, laboratory tests, examinations,  Pharmacist, Brian Mayhue, Director of Pharmacy, Erick Suarez, Certified
          and treatments. The kids were sent home with the prescription: “Your teddy bear  Pharmacy Technician, Alice Spaner, Clinical Pharmacist, CNO, and Lu Chavez,
          will be better soon. Give hugs and kisses twice a day.”                  Certified Pharmacy Technician.

             Community Health

           of South Florida Inc.
                     Doctors Stand

                  Together in the
           White Coats Against

                      Gun Violence

             Never again should we see another
                  mass shooting like Parkland.


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