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Dear Readers:

                 South Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report welcomes you to, a feature of our print
               publication, website, and e-newsletters. Its purpose is to provide pertinent educational information from leading authorities
                   about medical and business developments in the medical cannabis industry. We also intend to provide both national

                            and international information which will affect the medical cannabis business in the State of Florida.

                                                   Florida and Medical Marijuana:

                                    How We Got Here and Where Are We Going?

            How we got here                                                                  to put a proposed amendment to the Florida Constitution that
                                                                                             would have legalized certain medical uses of marijuana. Although
            Well, it took the Florida Legislature several tries to enact legisla-            the amendment was approved by 57% of the voters in that off-year
          tion reflecting the public’s will concerning the use of medical mari-              election, that fell short of the 60% approval required for adoption.
          juana in this state. However, during the Special Session held in June,               The Florida Legislature passed and Governor Scott signed the
          the 2017 Florida Legislature appears to have accomplished this                     "Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014" (the
          objective. Before discussing what happened earlier this year, it is                “Compassionate Care Act”). Section 381.986, Florida Statutes. This
          helpful to recall how it evolved.                                                  legislation permitted a limited number of patients to obtain marijua-
            Over the past 20 years, a majority of states have passed legislation             na legally to treat a limited range of medical conditions. In many
          authorizing their citizens to possess and use marijuana. In some                   peoples’ view, the Compassionate Care Act did not go far enough.
          states, the legislatures enacted measures addressing the use of mari-              For example, it authorized the growing, production, and distribu-
          juana only for medical purposes, so-called “medical marijuana”.                    tion of a relatively low potency strain of marijuana (referred to as
          Other states have also permitted recreational use of marijuana.                    “Charlotte’s Web”), limited the medical conditions for which it
            Florida’s response to the growing trend to legalize some uses of  BY STEPHEN H. SIEGEL,  could be prescribed, and restricted the number of vertically integrat-
          marijuana has been slow. The Florida Legislature resisted addressing  ESQ.         ed organizations (i.e., organizations that are licensed to grow,
          this issue. Thus, in 2014 a petition drive gathered enough signatures
                                                                                             process, and distribute marijuana) that could enter this business.
                                                                                               Those who supported making medical marijuana available to a
                                                                                 broader section of the population went back to the drawing board, initiated anoth-
                                                                                 er petition drive, and were able to have another proposed amendment to the
                                                                                 Florida Constitution placed on the ballot in 2016 (“Amendment 2”). Unlike the
                                                                                 2014 ballot initiative, Amendment 2 received the approval of over 70% of those
                                                                                 voting, thereby automatically becoming part of the state’s constitution. As a result,
                                                                                 during its recent Special Session, the Florida Legislature passed enabling legisla-
                                                                                 tion that Governor Scott has signed. Senate Bills 6A and 8A (Medical Marijuana
                                                                                 Registry and Medical Use of Marijuana, respectively, and collectively referred to
                                                                                 herein as the “2016 Act”).
                                                                                   The Compassionate Care Act authorized those patients diagnosed with a “qual-
                                                                                 ifying condition”, i.e., cancer, epilepsy, glaucoma, HIV, AIDS, PTSD, ALS, Crohn’s
                                                                                 disease, Parkinson’s disease, MS, or “other debilitation medical conditions of the
                                                                                 same kind or class or comparable to those enumerated” to receive so-called “Low-
                                                                                 THC” cannabis. While all of these “qualifying conditions” are included in the 2016
                                                                                 Act, it also includes patients who have chronic pain relating to one of these “qual-
                                                                                 ifying conditions” or are terminally ill. Further, there is no longer a limitation
                                                                                 regarding the strength of the cannabis that may be administered.
                                                                                   Under the 2016 Act, eligibility to receive medical marijuana has been limited to
                                                                                 those individuals who not only have a “qualifying condition”, but who also are (i)
                                                                                 Florida residents, (ii) registered on the Department of Health’s Medical Marijuana
                                                                                 Use Registry, and (iii) received Medical Marijuana Use Registry identification
                                                                                 cards. However, once an individual has received a Registry identification card,
                                                                                 there is no additional waiting period before they can receive medical marijuana.
                                                                                   In order to prescribe medical marijuana, an authorized physician (i.e., one who
                                                                                 has undergone a mandatory training program and received authorization to pre-
                                                                                 scribe medical marijuana) must personally supervise a patient’s examination. As
                                                                                 part of that examination, the physician must determine that the patient has a
                                                                                 “qualifying condition”, and the benefits likely to be derived from his/her using
                                                                                 medical marijuana outweigh the risks associated with this treatment. Although
                                                                                 regulations still need to be adopted, the 2016 Act permits an authorized physician
                                                                                 to give a patient one (1) initial seventy (70) day supply and two (2) refills of equal
                                                                                 duration of medical marijuana.
                                                                                   As with any new law, Amendment 2 and the 2016 Act leave many unanswered
                                                                                 questions that are likely to impact patients in Florida who are eligible to receive
                                                                                 medical marijuana, physicians who are authorized to prescribe this substance, hos-
                                                                                 pitals and other healthcare facilities charged with responsibility for treating these
                                                                                 patients, their employers, law enforcement agencies, and others in the community.
                                                                                 Patients with “qualifying conditions”, physicians authorized to certify the need for
                                                                                 medical marijuana, and entrepreneurs who believe this presents a business oppor-
                                                                                 tunity all would be well served to work with legal counsel and consultants who
                                                                                 have knowledge concerning the status of medical marijuana in Florida.

                                                                                                                               Continued on following page.

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