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Investing in Cannabis 101: Green Is the New Gold

            Investors are rarely                          world and this has created  the New York Stock Exchange or  multi-billion-dollar industry and it is not
          presented  with  the                            a once in a lifetime oppor-  Nasdaq. Most of these stocks trade on the  even in the first inning of what will be a
          opportunity to get in on                        tunity  for  investors.  over-the-counter (OTC) exchange,  multi-decade growth cycle. The growth
          the ground floor of an                          Although the cannabis  which is also referred to as the pink  of the cannabis industry has led to the
          industry poised to see                          sector offers investors a  sheets.                         creation of sectors within it and these
          incremental  revenue                            lot of opportunity, it offers  Although many of these companies  sectors are comprised of ancillary busi-
          growth for decades to                           even more risk and one  present attractive growth stories,  nesses, which are levered to the growth
          come. The last time                             must be cautious before  investors must be cautious and conduct  of the cannabis industry.
          investors had this oppor-                       entering this market.   thorough due diligence before investing.  These businesses sell products and
          tunity was during the                            Over the last two years,  Stocks that trade on the pink sheets typ-  services such as specialty soils, climate
          tech boom, which creat-                         the market has seen a sig-  ically do not meet the minimum require-  control systems, grow lights, vaporizers,
          ed countless million-                           nificant increase in the  ments for most exchanges and do not file  security solutions, and more. Over 150
          aires.                                          number of publicly traded  important company documents (compa-  years ago the market saw a similar oppor-
            During the last few    BY MICHAEL BERGER      cannabis companies and  ny financials, insider trading, quarterly  tunity, and today, investors can capitalize
          years, the market has                           as this number has     earnings, etc.) with the Securities  on it.
          seen a marijuana revolu-                        increased, so has the  Exchange Commission (SEC).            During the gold rush, most people did
          tion as countries around the world have  number of cannabis stock promoters,  We continue to prefer companies that  not make their fortunes mining for gold.
          reformed their laws and have legalized  which has made it more difficult for  are fully reporting and recommend that  The real winners were people such as
          medical marijuana. Although the United  investors to find value.       investors conduct thorough due dili-  Samuel Brannan and Levi Strauss, who
          States marijuana industry continues to  The stock market continues to serve as  gence before investing. From the man-  sold the ancillary products to the gold
          gather most of the attention, this revolu-  the easiest and most efficient way to  agement team’s track record to the  miners (i.e. picks, shovels, clothing,
          tion is happening all around the world.  invest in companies levered to the emerg-  recently announced business initiatives,  etc.).
            The marijuana train has left the station  ing global cannabis industry. The  investors need to look under the hood  Today, there is a similar trend in the
          and we have seen countries and conti-  cannabis industry has seen incredible  before buying. Some of the basic guide-  cannabis industry where many ancillary
          nents such as Australia, Puerto Rico,  growth over the last few years and so has  lines investors should follow include:  businesses seek to capitalize on the green
          Germany, Mexico, Uruguay, Canada,   the public markets.                  1. Call the company and ask to speak  rush.
          Israel, the Netherlands, and Portugal                                  with someone from management;         Opportunities are available. To learn
          legalize or decriminalize medical mari-  New Opportunities               2. Ask if they have audited financials  more, email
          juana.                              Continue to Emerge                 and see how strong the balance sheet is;
                                                In 2014, there were around 70 publicly  3. Request a site visit and a business  Michael Berger is the Founder/President
          The Next Big Growth Sector          traded companies that claimed to be lev-  plan.                                         of Technical 420 LLC
            Marijuana legalization may not be a  ered to the cannabis industry. Today,                                 and may be reached at (305) 458-9982,
          top priority for the United States right  there are more than 350 and less than 5%  Green Is the New Gold      or
          now, but change is occurring all over the  trade on a regulated stock exchange like  The legal cannabis industry is already a

                                Are You Prepared for Medical Cannabis in Florida?

            The future of cannabis medicine is                                                                       and everyday people who have a passion
          here. On November 8th, 2016 Florida                                                                        for the cannabis plant and compassion
          passed Amendment 2. Also known as the                                                                      for the patients who need it. HempStaff
          Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization                                                                     equips students with the knowledge they
          Initiative, Amendment 2 aims to alleviate                                                                  need to do the job and the professional-
          those suffering from debilitating condi-                                                                   ism they need to do it correctly. Upon fin-
          tions such as Glaucoma, Cancer,                                                                            ishing the course, students become a
          Epilepsy, HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s Disease,                                                                       knowledgeable resource for cannabis
          Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease,                                                                   medicine, regulation, and administration.
          Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),                                                                        In addition,  courses also provide the
          and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).                                                                   opportunity to network and recruit.
          Under the current measure, physicians  ment. HempStaff trainers all have a mini-  • Top 20 cannabis products nationwide  HempStaff knows just how important
          will oversee all medical marijuana pre-  mum of five years of experience working  and the symptoms those products are  staffing a cannabis business can be. As
          scriptions. The amendment also indicates  in the cannabis industry, with a minimum  most effective for     seasoned cannabis industry recruiters,
          that the Department of Health has until  of two years as a dispensary manager.  • Dosage recommendations, consump-  HempStaff  has the resources and staff to
          July 3rd, 2017 to make the final regula-  While not medical professionals, this  tion methods and much more  find the right job match for your cannabis
          tions. However, healthcare professionals  group of seasoned specialists are dedicat-  In addition, by participating in the  business.
          must begin preparing now.           ed to credible and quality cannabis edu-  training course, students have the oppor-  The cannabis industry is anticipated to
            In 2016 alone, there were an estimated  cation. HempStaff has teamed up with  tunity to return to any future training ses-  grow exponentially in the coming years.
          1,246,170 medical cannabis patients in  industry experts to design a curriculum  sions, based on availability, free of charge.  Now is the time to increase your under-
          the United States. These numbers are  to educate students on the therapeutic  HempStaff knows that laws are constant-  standing of this medicine and its future.
          only expected to rise during 2017.  benefits and applications of cannabis.   ly updated during the early months of a  Don’t delay – secure your seat for
          Florida legislators recently passed two  What does a training class with  medical marijuana program, which is  HempStaff summer training courses in
          bills to expand the framework of a legal  HempStaff include? Students who partic-  why they aim to make education as acces-  Florida:
          marijuana program, allowing up to 425  ipate in HempStaff Dispensary Agent  sible as possible. Whether you are inter-  July 29th – West Palm Beach
          medical marijuana dispensaries in   Training classes will be educated on top-  ested in expanding your current knowl-  July 30th – Miami
          Florida, so healthcare professionals can  ics such as:                  edge or networking with like-minded  August 25th – Tampa
          expect to see a substantial increase in the  • Florida Law as it applies to cardhold-  professionals, once you have participated  August 26th – Orlando
          number of patients seeking cannabis  ers, caregivers, dispensaries, processors,  in a HempStaff training session, you can
          medicine. To meet this growing demand,  cultivation centers and employees  enjoy the benefits for years to come.  Availability is limited and classes fill up
          professionals working in the healthcare  • The biology of the plant –     Not sure if participating in the   quickly. Reserve your seat today online and
          industry must begin educating them-  Cannabinoids and Terpenes          HempStaff Dispensary Agent Training     learn more about location, pricing, and
          selves as soon as possible.           • The biology of the body -       class is right for you? HempStaff students  details:
            HempStaff is an industry leader in  Endocannabinoid System, CB1 and CB2  come from a variety of backgrounds that    medical-marijuana-job-training
          cannabis education, training, and recruit-  receptors and why cannabis works  include Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurses

        32                       July 2017                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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