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Continued from previous page.
        Where are we going?                  proof vaping receptacles. Medical mari-  medicinal or other legitimate use.  this state in possession of medical mari-
          “How we got here” briefly reviewed  juana may not be dispensed in a form  Despite efforts during the Obama  juana legally obtained in another juris-
        the efforts in Florida to legalize medical  that may be smoked.           Administration to decriminalize the pos-  diction. To date, there has been no guid-
        marijuana. Now we will review some     Licensed Growers, Processers, and  session of small amounts of marijuana,  ance concerning how law enforcement
        additional provisions of the 2016 Act.  Dispensaries. The Compassionate Care  with some support from Congress, that  will treat these individuals. Similarly,
        We will also raise some questions that  Act established a vertically integrated  classification remains in effect today.  what will happen if one of these travelers
        the 2016 Amendment and the 2016 Act  program for licensees to grow, process,  Members of the Trump Administration,  either forgets to bring or consumes their
        have left unresolved.                and distribute medical marijuana. The  particularly Attorney General Sessions  supply of medical marijuana while in
          No Waiting Period. One of the most  2016 Act has retained this closed verti-  and HHS Secretary Price, have indicated  Florida, will they be able to obtain a
        significant changes in the 2016 Act is the  cally integrated licensing system, with  that they are opposed to any effort to  “refill”?
        elimination of 90-day waiting period  some important differences. First, ten  reclassify marijuana. Indeed, Attorney  Amendment 2 and the 2016 Act have
        required under the Compassionate Care  (10) additional licensees (five (5) in July  General Sessions has indicated his view  left many more questions unanswered.
        Act. Thus, a patient who is examined by  and another five (5) in October) will be  that all violations of federal law should  For example, how are employers sup-
        an authorized physician and determined  added to the seven (7) organizations that  be prosecuted, including those involving  posed to react when employees are pre-
        to have a “qualifying condition”, will be  currently are licensed in Florida.  possession of marijuana. Thus, an impor-  scribed medical marijuana; will travelers
        eligible to receive medical marijuana  Thereafter, for each additional 100,000  tant unanswered question remains con-  in airports be permitted to possess legally
        immediately.                         patients added to the Medical Marijuana  cerning what position this administra-  obtained marijuana (the Greater Orlando
          Identifying a “qualifying condition”.  Use Registry, four (4) additional licenses  tion will take regarding Florida and the  Aviation Authority is considering a poli-
        Both the Compassionate Care Act and  are to be issued. Second, each licensee  other states that have legalized the pro-  cy to have these individuals arrested);
        the 2016 Act include within the defini-  will be permitted to open twenty-five  duction, processing and distribution of  will medical marijuana ever be covered
        tion of a “qualifying condition” any  (25) dispensaries around the state. What  some form of medical marijuana. (Those  by health insurance; and will marijuana
        “other debilitation medical conditions of  is not clear is whether local governments  states that have legalized the recreational  dispensaries be classified as “clinics”?
        the same kind or class or comparable to  will be able to ban or specifically regulate  use of marijuana should have even  While legalizing medical marijuana
        those enumerated” in the statute. This  where dispensaries in their jurisdictions  greater concern with the federal govern-  promises to bring many Floridians relief,
        appears to leave authorized physicians  can be located.                   ment’s position.) Some of the questions  in addition to the clinical questions sur-
        with wide latitude in determining      Role of Telemedicine. As noted in Part  raised by this conflict between federal  rounding its use, there are many legal
        whether a patient who does not have one  1, the 2016 Act expressly requires an  and Florida law include:      and practical questions that need to be
        of the enumerated “qualifying condi-  authorized physician to personally   • Will the seven (7), soon to be seven-  considered. Physicians and lay persons
        tions” should be prescribed medical mar-  supervise the examination of a patient in  teen (17) licensees be prosecuted?  who are looking at this as a business
        ijuana. However, until either the    order to determine whether he/she has a  • What about the physicians who have  opportunity will be well advised to seek
        Department of Health, Board of       “qualifying condition”. What remains  received authorizations to prescribe  the assistance of legal counsel and other
        Medicine, or Board of Osteopathic    unclear is whether an authorized physi-  medical marijuana?              consultants who have expertise in this
        Medicine issues further guidance,    cian also must personally examine a   • Will patients with Qualified     area.
        authorized physicians should not seek to  patient seeking refills of their medical  Conditions risk arrest and prosecution
        push the envelope concerning which   marijuana prescription. The Florida  for possession of marijuana?
        patients should receive this drug.   Board of Medicine has scheduled a pub-  Tourists. Amendment 2 and the 2016     Stephen H. Siegel, Esq., Of Counsel,
          No Smoking.  The 2016 Act also     lic hearing on this question in early  Act authorize a limited class of Florida  Broad and Cassel, can be reached at
        addressed the issue of how medical mar-  August.                          residents to possess and consume certain
        ijuana may be dispensed to a patient.  Federal Enforcement. Since the early  forms of medical marijuana. It seems                or (305) 373-9424.
        Patients may receive medical marijuana  1970’s marijuana has been classified as a  inevitable that there will be tourists and
        in the form of edibles and in tamper-  Schedule 1 drug – one with no known  business travelers who will come into

                                                                                                E-mail Your Calendar Submissions to

           July 27
           South Florida Healthcare Networking Group Meeting                      August 9-11
             You are invited to the monthly meeting of the South Florida Healthcare  UAB National Symposium for Healthcare Executives
           Networking Group (SFHNG) hosted by Kendall Regional Medical Center on    The UAB National Symposium for Healthcare Executives will be held August 9-
           Thursday, July 27 from 7:45 to 10 a.m. Download the reservation form at  11 at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Resort. Earn 12+ ACHE face-to-face credits. Visit
  or call (561) 368-6950.      for more information.

           July 27                                                                October 11
           SFHEF Summer Networker                                                 Broad and Cassel Health Forum
             The South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum will hold their Summer    Broad and Cassel LLP and The Advisory Board Company are hosting the
           Networker at Prohibition Restaurant, 3403 N. Miami Ave., Midtown, Miami on  Seventh Annual Health Forum on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at the Signature
           Thursday, July 27 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. For more information and to register, visit  Grand in Davie, FL. Registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by presenta-
                                                          tions and discussions with some of the industry's top professionals knowledgeable
                                                                                  about today's rapidly changing health care landscape. For more information, con-
           August 3                                                               tact Elizabeth Levine at or (407) 839-4229.
           1st Annual SFHHA Healthcare Night and Mixer
             The South Florida Hospital and Healthcare Association will hold its 1st Annual
           Healthcare Night and Mixer on August 3 at 6 p.m. at the Hard Rock Stadium. For
           information, go to or call (954) 964-1660

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