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You're Fired! A Guide to Dismissing Patients

             "You're fired!"                               will have a paper trail  sonable discontinuation of healthcare  give patients a reasonable time frame
             According to a new                            of documentation to   treatment.                         of at least 30 days to find another
           study published this                            support your decision.  As much as you would like to dis-  provider.
           May in JAMA Internal                              Legal and common    miss a problematic patient, do not cast  Make sure that your staff is notified
           Medicine, this phrase of                        reasons for dismissing  good judgment aside. For example,  as well, lest they continue to call the
           dismissal is more than                          a   patient  include  dismissing an existing patient who is  patient to schedule routine follow-up
           just Donald Trump’s                             repeatedly  missing   now in the last trimester of a high-risk  care. If you are a member of a group
           reality show trademark.                         appointments, violat-  pregnancy, when another doctor is  practice, discuss the patient's dismissal
           The study found that                            ing bill payment poli-  unlikely to accept her as a patient,  with your colleagues and decide if the
           nine out of 10 medical                          cies, disregarding med-  likely would be deemed unreasonable  patient should be dismissed from the
           practices have fired a                          ical recommendations,  even if she has repeatedly missed  practice altogether.
           patient for reasons rang-                       and disruptive or inap-  appointments and is behind in paying  Finally, it is wise to review any
           ing    from   missed                            propriate   behavior  her bills. Apply the same judgment to  patient dismissal policies that the
           appointments to not      BY MITCHELL GREEN      towards doctors and   patients undergoing chemotherapy or  patient's insurance carrier may have in
           paying bills and disre-                         staff.                post-operative care, even if you wish  place, especially if the patient is cov-
           garding medical direc-                            A murky area that   you could fire them now.           ered by a government payor, which
           tives.                             may cast you in an unethical light and  If your patient is in stable condition  may have strict procedures you need to
             It is not surprising that most physi-  raise questions among payors is “cher-  and transfer of care would not adverse-  follow.
           cians during the course of their med-  ry picking” your patients and dismiss-  ly impact their health, then you can  Firing anyone is one of the most
           ical careers are tempted to dismiss  ing those with complex or chronic  reasonably proceed with a dismissal,  unpleasant parts of managing any sort
           problematic patients and that many  conditions to ensure better outcomes,  but if your patient is ill or in the mid-  of business and brings with it particu-
           have followed through and done so.  especially as insurers shift from fee-  dle of a course of treatment, you may  larly sensitive issues when the busi-
           Before banishing a patient from your  for-service reimbursement to value-  need to delay the termination.   ness is a medical practice. When it is
           care, however, you should heed the  based payments. While this may be                                    necessary to do so, however, you can
           following considerations and avoid  technically legal, it is not advisable.   Follow the Appropriate     legally and ethically dismiss a trouble-
           potential legal issues down the line.  Be aware that it is illegal to terminate  Termination Process     some patient from your care by follow-
                                              a patient for discriminatory reasons,  Notifying your patient in writing via  ing the necessary steps.
           Justify the Termination            such as age, race, disability, gender,  a certified letter is the best practice.
             Be sure to keep a written record of  religion and sexual orientation.   Clearly stating your reason will help
           missed appointments, failure to follow                                avoid the appearance of discrimina-   Mitchell Green is a partner in the law
           your medical directives, payment   Do Not Abandon a Patient           tion. Additionally, including a list of  firm of Kramer, Green, Zuckerman,
           issues and other problematic behavior  Dismissing a patient in critical need  other providers and even taking steps  Greene & Buchsbaum, P.A. He can be
           for all patients. If the patient chal-  of care exposes you to liability for  to confirm that care has been trans-  reached at (954) 966-2112 or
           lenges your eventual decision to no  patient abandonment, a form of med-  ferred will help avoid issues of patient
           longer provide their medical care, you  ical malpractice defined as the unrea-  abandonment. It is also important to

                                   Leading FAU Neuroscientist

                    Receives $1 Million Grant for New Approach                                                                 Coming

                                        to Preventing Dementia                                                            next month in
                                                                                                                           South Florida
          Is it possible to prevent dementia from
         happening in the first place? That is what                                                                       Hospital News
         a leading neuroscientist at Florida
         Atlantic University hopes to prove                                                                             and Healthcare
         through an innovative approach that
         defies the notion that “one-size-fits-all”                                                                            Report...
         when it comes to battling Alzheimer’s
         disease (AD), Lewy Body Dementia
         (LBD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and                                                                                   • Profiles in
         other related disorders.                                                                                             Leadership &
          FAU’s Charles E. Schmidt College of
         Medicine has received a $1 million grant                                                                           Administration
         from The Harry T. Mangurian, Jr.
         Foundation for a Dementia Prevention                                                                                 • Healthcare
         Initiative that uses the latest advances in                                                                          Professionals
         genetics, biology and the molecular bases
         of disease. This grant will launch the                                                                               Associations
         Comprehensive Center for Brain Health
         (CCBH) at FAU, which will focus on                                                                             • Education Update –
        using a personalized approach and preci-                                                                           New Programs in
        sion medicine to reduce risk.
                                               Catherine Robson, a nurse practitioner at FAU’s CCBH, observes as Dr. James Galvin
          Developed by James E. Galvin, M.D.,                                                                           Healthcare Education
                                              administers a test using a videonystagmography (VNG), which measures eye movements
        M.P .H., a world-renowned neuroscientist,
                                               and is used as an early biomarker sign of Parkinson’s disease and neurodegeneration.  • Outsourcing Update
        a leading international expert on AD and
        LBD, and associate dean for clinical                                                                               • Revenue Cycle
        research in FAU’s College of Medicine, this program will deliver a personalized prevention plan, tailored to each individual’s risk
        profile based on their genetic traits, biomarkers (blood, imaging, and electrophysiology), socio-demographics, lifestyle choices,  Software Trends
        and co-existent medical conditions. The CCBH is one of only a handful of centers in the world focusing on dementia prevention,
        and the only one that uses Galvin’s novel protocol based on personalized evaluation and prevention plans.         For more information
           “It is time to abandon generalized approaches to how we address Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia and to usher  on advertising and
        in a paradigm shift in which we begin to consider neurodegenerative disorders as diseases of a lifetime with opportunities for  editorial opportunities, call
        individualized strategies to build a better brain as we age,” said Phillip Boiselle, M.D., dean of FAU’s College of Medicine. “We
                                                                                                                          (561) 368-6950 today!
        are extremely grateful to The Harry T. Mangurian, Jr. Foundation for supporting Dr. Galvin’s highly innovative work, which we
        believe will alter the cascade of pathologic events occurring in at-risk individuals, thereby reducing the risk or even preventing
        dementia from developing.”

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    July 2017                         29
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