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What’s New... What’s New...What’s New...

                 Gastro Health Acquires Miami’s Pediatric                                Jupiter Medical Center Offers Nitrous Oxide

                        Gastroenterology Associates                                            to Expectant Mothers During Labor

                                                                                    Jupiter Medical Center announced that it has begun offering nitrous oxide as a pain
                                                                                  relief option to laboring mothers in the delivery room.
                                                                                    Nitrous oxide, when used to combat labor pain, is a mixture of 50% nitrous gas and
                                                                                  50% oxygen. It is delivered through Pro-Nox, a pneumatically driven gas system that
                                                                                  is controlled by the patient as they hold their own mask and inhale the gas mixture
                                                                                  about 30 seconds prior to a contraction to combat labor pain and anxiety.
                                                                                    Widely used in dental offices and known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide has long
                                                                                  been available in Europe for pain relief during labor. Now approved by the FDA, it is
                                                                                  being implemented in hospitals across the United States, including Jupiter Medical
                                                                                  Center - the first in the region to bring nitrous oxide into the delivery room.
                                                                                    The use of nitrous oxide does not preclude the placement of an epidural. Some
                                                                                  women may use nitrous oxide prior to having an epidural. While they can’t be used
                                                                                  concurrently, it is perfectly fine to use nitrous oxide first and then move to a different
                                                                                  type of pain relief if needed.
                                                                                    Additionally, there are no known effects on the baby. Nitrous oxide is the only pain
                                                                                  relief method used for labor that is cleared from the body through your lungs, so as
               (l-r) Dr. Erick Hernandez, Dr. Jesse Reeves-Garcia, Dr. William Muinos,  soon as the patient pulls the mask away, the nitrous oxide effect is gone within a
                          Dr. Richard Arboleda, Dr. Roberto Gomara                breath or two. While some women have reported mild nausea after prolonged use,
                                                                                  there is medication to help ease the nausea as needed. Finally, the use of nitrous oxide
          Gastro Health, LLC has acquired the practice of Miami’s Pediatric Gastroenterology  can cause some unsteadiness in patients when getting in and out of bed and so, it is
        Associates. With this acquisition, Gastro Health now becomes the largest pediatric gas-  recommended that patients not be left unattended.
        troenterology provider in South Florida with a total of nine physicians – five in Miami
        and four in Palm Beach. The office will become Gastro Health’s 26th South Florida loca-
        tion and the network’s second pediatric-focused practice. Pediatric Gastroenterology  West Palm Beach VA to Break Ground
        Associates is comprised of five full-time physicians – Dr. Richard Arboleda, Dr. Roberto
        Enrique Gomara, Dr. Jesse Reeves-Garcia, Dr. Erick Hernandez, and Dr. William I.            on New Treatment Facility
        Muinos. Together they provide expert pediatric care for conditions such as Crohn’s dis-
        ease, gastroesophageal reflux, acute and chronic liver disorders, Celiac disease, ulcera-  The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to providing Veterans with a
        tive colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, lactose intolerance and more.
                                                                                  recovery-oriented approach to mental health care. To honor this commitment VA offers
                                                                                  treatment in a variety of settings to include Residential Rehabilitation Treatment
               HeartWell Opens New West Kendall Office                            Programs (RRTP). The West Palm Beach VA Medical Center recognizes that although it
                                                                                  offers a very comprehensive mental health program which includes referrals through
                                                                                  the Choice Program for area Veterans, there is a growing need for a residential treatment
          HeartWell, LLP, a medical practice consisting of 23 South Florida cardiologists,  program on its grounds.
        announced that it has opened a new office at the West Kendall Medical Arts Building.  Toward this end, the medical center will break ground on a new Domiciliary RRTP
        The new office will provide patients in the area with convenient access to HeartWell’s  which will provide residential mental health treatment to our nation’s Veterans. This
        renowned team of interventional and clinical cardiologists.“We are delighted to open a  program will compliments existing resources and improve the challenges associated
        tenth location and to serve the population in West Kendall with the outstanding med-  with providing love term residential treatment for Veterans. Although the medical cen-
        ical care that is the hallmark of HeartWell physicians,” said Jeff Kaplan, Chief Operating  ter provides residential mental health treatment services for Veterans through the
        Office at HeartWell. The West Kendall location complements the nine other offices con-  Choice Program and local provider agreements, this newest program will be designed
        centrated in the Kendall and Coral Gables area.
                                                                                  to specifically cater to the needs of Veterans.
                                                                                    The medical center is slated to break ground on this new 60-bed, 30,000 square foot
                             Cleveland Clinic Florida                             building at the end of summer 2017. It will be constructed on the northeast area of the
                                                                                  medical center grounds and is a welcome addition to the facility’s overall treatment pro-
                to Open New Medical Office in Wellington                          gram.The medical center will share use of its new Domiciliary RRTP with the Miami VA
                                                                                  Medical Center.
          Cleveland Clinic Florida, a nonprofit, multi-specialty, academic medical center, plans
         to open a new medical office in the Village of Wellington in Palm Beach County. The
         7,400-square-foot facility will be located in the Village Green Center. The Wellington  FAU’s College of Nursing Launches
         office will offer primary care, gastroenterology, cardiology and other specialty services,
         and will include 22 exam rooms as well as physician offices. Build-out of the new office  New Online Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse
         will begin in September 2017, and it is anticipated to open in January 2018.“We are
         excited about opening our first location in western Palm Beach County, which will pro-    Practitioner Concentration
         vide Cleveland Clinic Florida patients with expanded access to world-class care and
         greater convenience,” said Wael Barsoum, M.D., President of Cleveland Clinic Florida.  The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing at Florida Atlantic University is launch-
         “We are proud to have been part of the healthcare community in Palm Beach County  ing a new online Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) concentra-
         for the past 10 years and look forward to growing with the communities we serve.”  tion that will be offered as a post-master’s certificate (PMC) beginning in the fall. The
                                                                                  application deadline for the PMC is July 1. Applicants must hold a master’s degree in
              Fine Art of Health Care Program at the Lowe                           “The Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner concentration was created in
                                                                                  response to a need from our clinical partners and the community,” said Karethy
              Welcomes 30 Professionals from the Lennar                           Edwards, Ph.D., associate dean for academic programs. “In Florida, the need for
                                                                                  mental health providers who can provide both pharmacological and non-pharmaco-
                         Foundation Medical Center                                logical care is growing.”
                                                                                    The PMHNP concentrations are designed to assist in alleviating the critical short-
          Doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, imaging experts, pharmacists, and other profes-  age of mental health providers. In Florida, there is a need for more psychiatrists;
         sional health service providers from the Lennar Foundation Medical Center gathered at  however, current estimates by the Bureau of Health Professions note the supply of
         the Lowe Art Museum to fine-tune their critical skills of observation and communica-  psychiatrists cannot meet the growing mental health needs of the state. The PMHNP
         tion – while looking at art. The staff engagement activity stems from a partnership  concentration will increase access to mental health services and enhanced psychi-
         between the Lowe Art Museum and the Lennar Foundation Medical Center’s Human  atric mental health nursing care to children and adults, economically disadvantage
         Experience initiatives, all in an effort to offer a comprehensive experience for their staff.  populations, veterans and active duty U.S. military and their families.
         The tailored program is based on Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) that teach partici-  The PMHNP also will be offered as a track in the BSN to DNP program beginning
         pants to enhance their sensitivity, empathy, communication, and teamwork with the  in summer 2018. The application deadline for the BSN to DNP program is Feb. 28,
         aim to improve patient outcomes. Working in small groups, participants attentively  2018 for summer applicants. For more information on the PMHNP concentration,
         study what they see in a work of art, communicate it in the group, and discuss what  visit
         their observations might mean – skills that are highly applicable in the field of health-  atric-mental-health/.
         care, and many others.

        28                       July 2017                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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